
Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Special lockdown QSL from XTC

XTC sent me one his new lockdown eQSLs after I heard him on March 29. No reception in England but I did hear the station with a good signal on an SDR in NW Ireland. Always worth a listen. Thanks for the QSL.


  1. Anonymous9:47 am

    Any idea when he will be on again?

  2. He has been on air both Saturday & Sunday the last two weekends in the 48mb. But you might need to find an web SDR outside England to hear him due to the skip. Look out for Merlin on 6305 - if you can hear him then conditions should be favourable.

  3. Anonymous7:42 pm

    Really good to see that XTC are still going! I have heard him on and off over the last 25 years - the indie, alt rock and punk music is a good mixture, as is his discussions of many diverse topics such as UFOs, and the like. One of my favourite shortwave pirates from the 1990's and the idea of special lockdown broadcasts is great.
