
Thursday, August 31, 2023

Logs 31 Aug 2023

1611 2158 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1630 2202 Monte Carlo Radio. SINPO 34433.
1631 1919 Radio Delfzijl. SINPO 34433. ID from Beta JBK's blog
1640 1845 Radio Marskramer. SINPO 34433.
1660 1851 Studio 19. SINPO 34433.
5140 1840 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 32432.
5880 1910 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 54444.
6380 1743 Voice of the Netherlands. SINPO 54444.
6380 1901 Radio Dutchwing via R Mexico. SINPO 54444.
6954 2219 New Dance Radio (pres). SINPO 34333.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Logs 30 Aug 2023

1233 2155 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 24332. //5880
1611 2208 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1629 1742 Radio Admiraal. SINPO 34333.
1665 2200 Radio Technical Man. SINPO 44433.
5140 1737 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 32332. Co-channel ute QRM
5835 1725 Radio Europe (Ukr) (pres). SINPO 24332.
5880 2150 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 444433.
6290 1630 Radio Ronalisa. SINPO 34433.
6300 1718 Misti Radio. SINPO 443333.
6380 1804 Radio Mexico. SINPO 54444.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Logs 29 Aug 2023

1233 2030 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 24332. //5880
1611 2020 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433. 
1638 2009 Radio Columbia. SINPO 44433.
1647 2003 Radio Oldtimer. SINPO 34433.
1660 1824 Studio 19. SINPO 34433.
5140 1805 Charleston R Int. SINPO 32432. Only audible in LSB due to utility
6275 1755 Radio Joey. SINPO 54444.
6280 2035 Panda Radio. SINPO 34333.
6290 1743 Radio Ronalisa. SINPO 54444.
6295 2053 Anthony Radio. SINPO 24332. Fair peaks but noisy
6380 1602 Skyline R Germany via R Mexico. SINPO 54444.

Radio Cuckoo eQSL


An eQSL from Radio Cuckoo for reception on Sunday on 6265 kHz. Many thanks. 

Monday, August 28, 2023

Logs 28 Aug 2023

1233 2205 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34333. //5880
1512 1640 Radio Blackbeard. SINPO 25432.
1611 1753 Radio Vloedgolf. SINPO 24432.
1611 2200 Radio Augusta. SINPO 23332.
1629 1745 Radio Twentana. SINPO 34433.
1638 2152 Bluebird Radio. SINPO 44333.
1647 2142 Radio Spakenburg. SINPO 34333.
1647 2158 Monte Carlo Radio. SINPO 34333. Report to Spakenburg
5140 1806 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34333.
5880 2049 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44333.
6274 2035 XTC. SINPO 44333. Strong peaks.
6305 1605 Radio Ronalisa (tent). SINPO 33433.
6380 1626 Skyline R Germany via R Mexico. SINPO 54444.
9315 1103 Radio Pamela. SINPO 24332. Via NW Ireland SDR

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Logs 27 Aug 2023

1233 2202 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 24432. //5880
1512 2134 Radio Blackbeard. SINPO 34433.
1644 2217 Elko Radio. SINPO 44433.
5140 1620 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 24332.
5800 1308 Radio Contikenzo. SINPO 34333.
5880 1144 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433.
6020 0846 Radio Casanova. SINPO 44333.
6160 0852 Skyline R Germany via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 54444.
6185 0917 R Classic Sunday via Piepzender. SINPO 45444.
6205 1756 Radio Mi Amigo (NL). SINPO 54444.
6210 1826 Radio King Shortwave. SINPO 33433.
6260 0840 Radio Benelux. SINPO 34333.
6265 1819 Radio Cuckoo. SINPO 54444.
6270 0905 Soul of England (pres). SINPO 24332.
6274 1320 XTC. SINPO 44444. Strong peaks
6277 1750 Radio Joey. SINPO 54444.
6290 0924 Weekend Music Radio via unid. SINPO 54444.
6302 1900 XTC. SINPO 44433.
6380 0911 Radio Mexico. SINPO 44433.
6380 1005 Hitmix Radio via R Mexico. SINPO 44433.
6902 1015 Radio Pamela. SINPO 24432. Via NW Ireland SDR

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Logs 26 Aug 2023

3975 2146 Weekend Music Radio via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 45444. //6160
5140 1639 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 24332.
5880 1619 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44433.
6160 2144 Weekend Music Radio via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 54444.
6210 1735 Radio King Shortwave. SINPO 43433.
6270 1622 Soul of England (pres). SINPO 24332.
6275 1819 Radio Joey. SINPO 54444.
6285 2200 WKOS. SINPO 34333. ID via DX Ace
6290 1603 Weekend Music Radio via unid. SINPO 54444.
6305 1728 Radio Ronalisa. SINPO 44433.
6305 1812 Radio Pandora. SINPO 24332.
6380 1743 Radio Mexico. SINPO 54444.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Logs 25 Aug 2023

1629 2225 Radio Blauwe Fazant. SINPO 34333.
1638 2210 Radio Frieloo. SINPO 34333.
1660 2215 Studio 19. SINPO 34333.
1670 2220 Monte Carlo Radio. SINPO 34333.
3975 2048 Weekend Music Radio via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 45444. //6160
5140 2056 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 44333.
5790 2020 Radio Akenzo. SINPO 54444.
5800 1739 Deltracks. SINPO 54444.
5880 2025 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44433.
6060 1610 Radio Casanova. SINPO 45444.
6160 2044 Weekend Music Radio via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 54444.
6280 1732 Radio Avia. SINPO 44433.
6380 1605 Radio Mexico. SINPO 54444.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Logs 24 Aug 2023

1233 2207 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34333. //5880
1611 2201 Radio Augusta. SINPO 23432.
1641 2155 Marskramer Radio. SINPO 44333.
5140 2010 Charleston Radio Int. SINO 44333.
5880 2005 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44333.
6295 1718 Misti Radio. SINPO 34333.
6305 1725 Radio Ronalisa. SINPO 24332.
6380 1750 Radio Joey. SINPO 54444.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Logs 23 Aug 2023

1233 2203 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433. //5880
1611 2158 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1620 2053 Radio Wilskracht. SINPO 44433.
1629 2207 Radio Spakenburg. SINPO 43443. QSO
1629 2217 Radio Monte Carlo. SINPO 34433. QSO
1638 2058 Bluebird Radio. SINPO 54444.
1645 2045 Radio Barones. SINPO 43433.
5140 1723 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 33433. 
5810 2033 Deltracks. SINPO 54444.
5880 2040 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433.
6300 1710 Misti Radio. SINPO 44333.
6380 1738 Radio Mexico. SINPO 54444.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Logs 22 Aug 2023

1611 1932 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1620 1840 Radio Marjanne. SINPO 34433.
1647 1813 Radio Oldtimer. SINPO 34433.
1665 1857 Radio Josje Power. SINPO 34433.
5140 1807 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 33433.
5810 1905 Deltracks. SINPO 54444.
5880 1915 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44433.
6270 1857 Radio Rode Adelaar. SINPO 44433.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Logs 21 Aug 2023

1233 2200 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433. //5880
1494 2212 Unid. SINPO 34433. Not Sovereign, non-stop music (see comments)
1611 2147 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1638 2155 Bluebird Radio. SINPO 44433.
5140 2017 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 44433.
5810 2007 Deltracks. SINPO 44433.
5880 2030 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44433.
6270 2002 Time Radio. SINPO 44433.
6275 1705 Soul of England (pres). SINPO 24332.
6290 1957 Radio Ronalisa. SINPO 24432.
6380 1635 Radio Mexico. SINPO 54444.

Radio Intersound eQSL


Another great eQSL from Radio Intersound who I heard yesterday on 6880 kHz relaying a Dutch station called Vintage Music Radio. He also sent some photos of his studio set up. Many thanks.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Logs 20 Aug 2023

1611 2159 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1620 2151 Radio King Kong. SINPO 54444. QSO
1629 2205 Radio Carolina. SINPO 44433. QSO
1666 2209 Radio Monte Carlo. SINPO 44433. QSO
5800 1405 Radio Contikenzo. SINPO 34433.
5800 1745 Hitmix Radio via Contikenzo. SINPO 54444. //6380
5840 1420 Polka Radio. SINPO 24432.
5880 1425 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433.
6020 0820 Radio Casanova. SINPO 35433.
6130 0852 Radio Europe (NL). SINPO 45444.
6160 0832 Skyline R Germany via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 34433.
6170 0825 Radio Europe (NL). SINPO 35433. Different px to 6130
6185 1738 Shortwave Radio via Radio Piepzender. SINPO 44433. 
6210 1725 Radio King Shortwave. SINPO 43433.
6265 1715 Soul of England (pres). SINPO 34433.
6290 0840 Weekend Music Radio. SINPO 55444.
6380 1050 Radio Witte Reus. SINPO 24332.
6380 1747 Hitmix Radio via Mexico. SINPO 54444.
6965 2145 Q102 Ireland via unid. SINPO 44333.
6880 1335 Vintage Music Radio via Intersound. SINPO 34333.
7447 1325 Radio Pamela. SINPO 24432.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Logs 19 Aug 2023

1611 2210 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1620 2216 Radio Delfzijl. SINPO 44433.
1636 2155 Radio Twentana. SINPO 34433.
1652 2223 Radio Moby Dick. SINPO 34433.
1660 2205 Radio Blauwe Koe. SINPO 44433.
3975 2140 Weekend Music Radio via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 45444. //6160
5140 1815 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34333.
5800 1740 Radio 60 via Continental. SINPO 54444.
5810 2135 Deltracks. SINPO 54444.
5880 1722 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433.
6060 1624 Radio Delta. SINPO 45444.
6160 2143 Weekend Music Radio via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 54444.
6185 1733 Radio Piepzender (pres). SINPO 44433.
6210 1645 Radio King Shortwave. SINPO 34433.
6265 1440 Soul of England. SINPO 34333.
6290 1400 Weekend Music Radio. SINPO 44433.
6320 1803 Radio Pandora. SINPO 34333.
6370 1908 Radio 60 via R Mexico. SINPO 54444.
6383 1901 Radio Joey. SINPO 54444.
7400 2148 Radio Pamela. SINPO 23332.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Logs 18 Aug 2023

1611 2041 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1645 2020 Radio Barones. SINPO 44433.
1660 2033 Studio 19 (tent). SINPO 34333.
3975 2010 Weekend Music Radio via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 45444. //6160
5140 1823 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34333.
5810 1955 Deltracks. SINPO 44433.
5880 2000 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44433.
6060 1630 Radio Casanova. SINPO 54444.
6160 2008 Weekend Music Radio via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 54444.
6380 1815 Hitmix Radio via R Mexico. SINPO 54444.
6954 2208 New Dance Radio (pres). SINPO 44333.
9290 1642 Radio Spaceshuttle Int. SINPO 24332. 

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Logs 17 Aug 2023

1233 2240 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433. //5880
1611 2234 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1635 2217 Radio Blauwe Fazant. SINPO 34433. QSO
1635 2230 Radio Pandora. SINPO 44433. QSO
1640 2220 Radio Casablanca. SINPO 44433. QSO
1647 2227 Radio Nachtzwerver. SINPO 44433. QSO
1665 2223 Radio Monte Carlo. SINPO 44433. QSO
5140 2215 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 44433.
5810 2202 Deltracks. SINPO 54444.
5880 2207 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44433.
6280 1720 Radio Avia. SINPO 44333.
6290 1707 Radio Ronalisa. SINPO 24332.
6380 1720 Radio Dutchwing via R Mexico. SINPO 54444.
6954 2158 New Dance Radio. SINPO 34333.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Logs 16 Aug 2023

1233 2210 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 24332. //5880
1624 2155 Radio Delfzijl. SINPO 44333.
1645 2204 Radio Monte Carlo. SINPO 44333. QSO
1647 2201 Radio Nachtzwerver. SINPO 34333. QSO
5140 1835 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34333.
5880 1910 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44433.
6380 1845 Radio Mexico. SINPO 54444.
6380 1902 Hitmix Radio via R Mexico. SINPO 54444.
6931 2217 Indy Radio (pres). SINPO 24332.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Logs 15 Aug 2023

1611 2155 Raio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1620 2051 Radio Marjanne. SINPO 44333.
1628 2057 Radio Vrije Vogel. SINPO 33433.
1640 2200 Radio Casablanca. SINPO 44333. QSO
1648 2205 Radio Pereboom. SINPO 44333. QSO
1666 2203 Radio Monte Carlo. SINPO 34333. QSO
5140 1752 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34333.
5800 2030 Radio Akenzo. SINPO 54444.
5880 2038 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44433.
6270 1635 Soul of England. SINPO 24332.
6290 1712 Radio Blackstone. SINPO 54444.
6380 1703 Radio 60 via Radio Mexico. SINPO 54444.
6960 2046 Zeppelin Radio (pres). SINPO 24332.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Logs 14 Aug 2023

1233 2055 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433. //5880
1611 2045 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1619 2217 Radio Delfzijl. SINPO 44433. Calling Ros AM
1620 2205 Ros AM Radio. SINPO 44433.
1625 2039 Radio Turftrekker. SINPO 44433.
1638 2024 Bluebird Radio. SINPO 44433.
1648 2015 Oldtimer Radio. SINPO 44433.
1665 2215 Radio Armada. SINPO 34433.
1695 2034 Radio Digital. SINPO 54444.
5140 1740 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34333.
5810 2005 Deltracks. SINPO 44433.
5880 2051 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44433.
6940 1700 Radio Seabreeze via Radio JVG. SINPO 34333.

Radio Zanzibar and Premier Radio Int eQSLs


A couple of eQSLs have landed in my inbox. One from the Dutch pirate Radio Zanzibar who can be contacted at

The other is from Premier Radio Int, who hopes to be on air more regularly in the future. 

Many thanks!

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Logs 13 Aug 2023

1620 2212 Radio Blauwe Koe. SINPO 44433.
1629 2141 Radio Alabama. SINPO 44433.
1638 2154 Bluebird Radio. SINPO 54444.
1650 2205 Radio Witte Tornado. SINPO 44433.
1665 2228 Monte Carlo Radio. SINPO 34433.
5140 1732 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34333.
5800 1716 Radio Contikenzo. SINPO 54444.
5880 1507 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433.
6020 0820 Radio Casanova. SINPO 44433.
6160 0825 Skyline R Germany via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 44433.
6210 1009 Premier Radio Int. SINPO 44433.
6210 1658 Radio King Shortwave. SINPO 33433.
6235 0906 Soul of England. SINPO 24432.
6265 1448 Radio Mexico. SINPO 34333.
6275 0915 Laser Hot Hits. SINPO 54444.
6290 0900 Weekend Music Radio via unid. SINPO 44444.
6290 2130 Cupid Radio. SINPO 55444.
6940 0852 Radio Eldorado via JVG. SINPO 34433

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Logs 12 Aug 2023

1233 2158 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433. //5880
1628 2214 Radio Mi Amigo. SINPO 34433.
1640 2238 Radio Blauwe Koe. SINPO 44433.
1650 2206 Radio Yogi Bear. SINPO 54444.
1656 2228 Radio Moby Dick. SINPO 43433.
1665 2201 Radio Technical Man. SINPO 44433.
5140 1843 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34333.
5800 1209 Radio 60 via Continental. SINPO 34333. //6045, 6285
5803 1816 Free Radio Victoria. SINPO 44433. Moved to 5800 at 1837 (54444)
5840 1225 Radio Extra Gold via unid. SINPO 44433.
5880 1640 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44433.
6045 1215 Radio 60 via Nauen. SINPO 55444.
6060 1708 Radio Delta. SINPO 54444.
6210 1657 Radio Caroline North via King Shortwave. SINPO 43433.
6275 1625 Laser Hot Hits. SINPO 54444.
6285 1205 Radio 60 via Akenzo. SINPO 44444.
6290 1255 Weekend Music Radio via unid. SINPO 43443. Splash from 6285
6295 2220 Radio Johnny Tobacco. SINPO 55444. Back on again
6300 1912 Radio Johnny Tobacco. SINPO 54444. 
6320 1805 Radio Joey. SINPO 54444. Heard on 6380 at 1820 (54444)

Friday, August 11, 2023

Logs 11 Aug 2023

1233 2157 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 23432. Also on 5880
1611 2049 Radio Augusta. SINPO 34433.
1620 2056 Radio Meteoor. SINPO 44433.
1625 2205 Radio Monte Carlo. SINPO 34433.
1627 2053 Radio Turftrekker. SINPO 34433.
1645 2043 Radio Marconist. SINPO 34433.
1656 2210 Radio Elko. SINPO 24432.
1665 2100 Radio Kristal. SINPO 44433.
3975 2035 Weekend Music Radio via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 45433. //6160
5140 1740 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34333.
5810 2017 Deltracks. SINPO 54444.
5880 2025 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44433.
6160 2030 Weekend Music Radio via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 55444.
6060 1708 Radio Casanova. SINPO 55444.
6208 1715 Radio Zanzibar. SINPO 44433.
6270 1745 Radio Mexico. SINPO 54444.
6290 1730 Radio Joey. SINPO 54444.
7460 1723 Radio Eldorado via Radio JVG. SINPO 34433.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Logs 10 Aug 2023

5130 1639 Soul of England. SINPO 34433.
5140 1710 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 24332.
5810 2050 Deltracks. SINPO 44433.
5880 2055 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44433.
6290 1715 Radio Blackstone. SINPO 54444.
6305 1809 Mike Radio. SINPO 54444. Heard on 6300 at 1821 (54444)
7460 1815 Radio Eldorado via Radio JVG. SINPO 1815

Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Logs 9 Aug 2023

1233 2025 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433. Also on 5880
1611 2157 Radio Augusta. SINPO 34333.
1615 2036 Boogschutter Radio. SINPO 33433.
1638 2032 Bluebird Radio. SINPO 44433.
1665 2040 Radio Technical Man. SINPO 44433.
5130 1818 Soul of England. SINPO 34333.
5140 1825 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34333.
5810 2010 Deltracks. SINPO 44433.
5880 2022 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44433.
6270 1806 Radio 60 via R Mexico. SINPO 54444. Also on 6285
6270 1830 Radio Joey. SINPO 54444. Move from 6320
6285 1811 Radio 60 via ????. SINPO 54444.
6285 1953 Radio Akenzo. SINPO 54444.
6295 1717 Radio Ronalisa. SINPO 44433.
6320 1710 Radio Joey. SINPO 54444.
7455 1730 Radio JVG. SINPO 34433.

Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Logs 8 Aug 2023

5140 1803 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34333.
5800 2059 Deltracks. SINPO 44433.
5840 1823 Radio Dolfijn. SINPO 54444.
5880 2040 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44433.
6267 1612 Soul of England. SINPO 34433.
6270 1753 Skyline R Germany via R Mexico. SINPO 54444.
6290 2047 Radio Ronalisa. SINPO 34433.
6300 2053 Radio 42. SINPO 54444.
6945 2155 New Dance Radio. SINPO 33333. Dutch web station

Sunday, August 06, 2023

Logs 6 Aug 2023

5140 2030 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 44333.
5790 2013 FRS Holland. SINPO 54444. Also on 7705
5800 1718 Radio Contikenzo. SINPO 54444.
5810 2025 Deltracks. SINPO 44433.
5840 1731 Mike Radio. SINPO 55444.
5880 0922 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433.
6020 0843 Radio Casanova. SINPO 45444.
6160 1740 Skyline R Germany via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 54444.
6185 1603 Radio Piepzender (pres). SINPO 54444. Non-stop music
6210 1640 Radio King Shortwave. SINPO 34433.
6240 1403 Soul of England. SINPO 24332. Heard on 6260 at 1431 (24332)
6270 0835 Skyline Radio Germany via R Mexico. SINPO 34433.
6270 1425 Radio Lowland. SINPO 34333.
6270 1710 Radio Blackstone. SINPO 44433.
6280 0900 Laser Hot Hits. SINPO 54444.
6290 0852 Weekend Music Radio. SINPO 44433.
6300 1506 Radio Monique. SINPO 44433.
6300 2002 Radio Johnny Tobacco. SINPO 55444.
6940 0910 Radio Pamela. SINPO 34433.
7460 1442 Radio JVG. SINPO 34333.
7705 2010 FRS Holland. SINPO 55444.

Saturday, August 05, 2023

Logs 5 Aug 2023

1638 2215 Bluebird Radio. SINPO 44433.
1652 2220 Radio Moby Dick. SINPO 34433.
3975 2205 Weekend Music Radio via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 45444.
5140 1831 Charleston Radio Int.
SINPO 34333.
5790 1858 Radio Akenzo. SINPO 55444.
5810 1840 Radio Voyager. SINPO 34333.
5880 1442 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34333.
6060 1724 Radio Delta. SINPO 55444.
6160 2202 Weekend Music Radio via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 55444.
6210 1656 Radio King Shortwave. SINPO 33433.
6270 1650 Radio Blackstone. SINPO 34433.
6270 1822 Radio Rode Adelaar. SINPO 54444.
6280 1424 Laser Hot Hits. SINPO 34433.
6290 1431 Weekend Music Radio. SINPO 34433.
6370 1923 WMBR. SINPO 24332.
6380 1810 Radio Joey. SINPO 54444.
6960 1733 Zeppelin Radio (pres). SINPO 24332.

Friday, August 04, 2023

Logs 4 Aug 2023

3975 2206 Weekend Music Radio via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 45444. Also on 6160
5140 1753 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34333.
5810 2016 Deltracks. SINPO 44333.
5880 2158 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 43433,
6060 1612 Radio Casanova. SINPO 44333.
6160 2203 Weekend Music Radio via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 55444.
6285 1605 Radio 42. SINPO 44333.
6285 2214 Laser Hot Hits. SINPO 54444.
6295 1743 Radio Ronalisa. SINPO 34333.
6380 1804 Radio Pandora. SINPO 24332.
6960 2223 Zeppelin Radio (pres). SINPO 34333.
7315 2006 Radio JVG. SINPO 32432.

Thursday, August 03, 2023

Logs 3 Aug 2023

1611 2052 Radio Augusta. SINPO 34433.
1618 2056 Radio Spakenburg. SINPO 44433.
1634 2059 Radio Delfzijl. SINPO 44433.
5140 1813 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34333.
5800 1643 Skyline Radio Germany via R Mexico. SINPO 34433.
5810 2040 Deltracks. SINPO 44433.
5880 2045 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44433.
6270 1745 Skyline Radio Germany via R Mexico. SINPO 44433.
6285 1625 Radio Monique. SINPO 54444.
6290 1740 Soul of England. SINPO 34333. Heard on 6295 at 1749 (34433)
6960 1805 Zeppelin Radio (pres). SINPO 24332.

Radio Igloo on air again

On August 6th, Radio Igloo and Malmö Shortwave Club will be on air with a remade program about the
pirate-queen Britt Wadner and Radio Syd. The program will be transmitted from WRMI on 5950 at 00.00 hours GMT (02.00 CEST)

The program will mix music from the early 60s with information and audio-clips from Radio Syd.

Correct reports will be verified by our special QSL-card

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Logs 2 Aug 2023

1233 2213 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433. Also on 5880
1494 2220 Laser 558 recording via unid. SINPO 24432.
1611 2152 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1632 2006 Radio Orban. SINPO 44433.
1638 2202 Bluebird Radio. SINPO 44433.
1648 2012 Radio Vrolijke Mijnwerker. SINPO 34433.
5140 1959 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 44333.
5810 1941 Deltracks. SINPO 44433.
5880 1950 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44433.
6265 1935 Radio Black Power. SINPO 54444.

Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Logs 1 Aug 2023

1620 2055 Radio Marjanne. SINPO 44433.
1630 2058 Radio Blauwe Koe. SINPO 34433.
5140 2158 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 44333.
5800 1639 Skyline Radio Germany via R Mexico. SINPO 44333.
5810 2042 Deltracks. SINPO 54444.
5845 1845 Pacman Show. SINPO 55444. Via Mike Radio?
5845 2047 Radio Vligende Hollander. SINPO 55444. Via Mike Radio?
5880 2052 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44433.
6270 1650 Soul of England. SINPO 34433.
6280 1701 Radio JVG. SINPO 34433.
6295 2032 Radio Ronalisa. SINPO 34333.