
Thursday, November 30, 2023

Logs 30 Nov 2023

1620 1740 Radio Pontiac. SINPO 44433.
1620 1848 Radio Turftrekker. SINPO 44433.
1638 1735 Radio Moonbreaker. SINPO 34433.
1647 1803 Radio Tarzan. SINPO 34433.
1655 1830 Radio Meteoor. SINPO 34433. QSO
1656 1810 Radio Ijsvogel. SINPO 34433. QSO
1660 1853 Studio 19. SINPO 34433.
1665 1725 Radio Digital. SINPO 44433.
3905 1746 Misti Radio. SINPO 34333.
6280 1712 Radio Dutchwing via R Mexico. SINPO 54444.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Logs 29 Nov 2023

1611 1750 Radio Augusta. SINPO 23432.
1620 1704 Radio Bootsman. SINPO 34433.
1620 1732 Radio Schaduwjager. SINPO 54444. Report to Bootsman
1620 2122 Radio Delfzijl. SINPO 44433.
1629 2110 Radio Spakenburg. SINPO 44433.
1635 1734 Radio Bonanza. SINPO 34433.
1655 1802 Radio Eigen Risico. SINPO 44433.
1665 1732 Radio Digital. SINPO 54444.
6290 1630 Radio 60 via R Mexico. SINPO 54444. 
6295 1638  Radio 60 via R Mexico. SINPO 54444. Move to avoid utility
6320 1645 Kiss AM. SINPO 44433.
6390 1723 Radio Witte Reus. SINPO 34433.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Logs 28 Nov 2023

1512 1756 Radio Blackbeard. SINPO 33433.
1611 2058 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1620 2038 Radio Marjanne. SINPO 44433.
1624 1727 Dolfijn Radio. SINPO 34433.
1665 1713 Radio Digital. SINPO 44433.
3940 1734 Mike Radio. SINPO 44433.
5140 1658 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34433.
6240 1600 Radio Kiloherz. SINPO 53443. Utility QRM
6270 1606 Radio Monte Carlo. SINPO 44433.
6275 1705 Radio Splinterwood via Deltracks. SINPO 44433.
6290 1628 Radio Ronalisa. SINPO 34433.
6320 1612 Kiss AM. SINPO 44433.
6300 1620 Radio Mexico. SINPO 54444.
6300 1700 Hitmix Radio via R Mexico. SINPO 55444.
6390 1637 Misti Radio. SINPO 44433.
6940 1645 Radio Eldorado (via JVG?). SINPO 34433.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Logs 27 Nov 2023

1611 1815 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1620 1826 Bluebird Radio. SINPO 44433,
1628 2138 Radio Mi Amigo. SINPO 44433.
1629 1758 Radio DB. SINPO 44433.
1654 1805 Radio Pontiac. SINPO 34433.
1665 1821 Radio Josje Power (tent). SINPO 44433.
5140 1750 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34433.
6295 1745 Anthony Radio. SINPO 33433.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Logs 26 Nov 2023

1512 1715 Radio Blackbeard. SINPO 34433.
1636 1727 Radio Mi Amigo. SINPO 34433.
3975 1702 Weekend Music Radio via SW Gold. SINPO 34433.
5120 1649 Soul of England (pres). SINPO 34333.
5140 1654 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34333.
5800 1035 Radio Contikenzo. SINPO 44433.
5835 1003 Golden Oldies R via Mike R. SINPO 55444.
5835 1539 Radio Europe (Ukr). SINPO 34433.
5840 1503 Radio Contikenzo. SINPO 54444. Change of freq. Heard on 5845 at 1545 (54444)
5880 1550 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 53443. Co-ch QRM
6020 0942 Radio Casanova. SINPO 44433.
6110 0957 Radio Delta. SINPO 55444. //12030
6195 0950 Radio Gringo. SINPO 34433.
6245 1135 Soul of England. SINPO 34433. Heard on 6250 at 1140 (34433)
6260 0930 Thunderbird Radio. SINPO 44433.
6265 1155 Skull & Bones Radio System. SINPO 54444.
6270 0936 Studio 52 via R Mexico. SINPO 54444.
6275 1515 Radio Johnny Tobacco (pres). SINPO 54444.
6285 1145 Radio Baken 16. SINPO 33433.
6286 1445 Radio Joey. SINPO 44444.
6300 1030 Weekend Music Radio. SINPO 54444.
6320 1558 Radio Ronalisa. SINPO 34433.
6390 1147 Radio Witte Reus. SINPO 34433.
6400 1045 Laser 558 recordings via unid. SINPO 33433.
6914 1454 New Dance Radio. SINPO 34433.
6955 1430 Enterprise Radio. SINPO 34433.
7480 1015 Voice of the Netherlands. SINPO 44433.
7590 1020 Radio Pamela. SINPO 34433.
12030 0957 Radio Delta. SINPO 45444.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Logs 25 Nov 2023

1611 1758 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1628 2245 Radio Turftrekker. SINPO 54444.
1629 1821 Mike Radio. SINPO 54444.
1638 1810 Radio Johnny Camaro. SINPO 34433.
1647 1850 Radio Keizer & Keizerin. SINPO 34433.
1652 2307 Radio Moby Dick. SINPO 44433.
1656 1842 Radio Moonbreker. SINPO 34433.
1665 1814 Radio Digital. SINPO 44433.
5140 1750 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34433.
5880 1115 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433.
6110 1129 Radio Delta. SINPO 45444. //12030
6285 2320 WKOS (pres). SINPO 34333.
6300 1045 Weekend Music Radio. SINPO 44433.
6400 1059 Laser 558 recordings via unid. SINPO 34433.
7590 1108 Radio Pamela. SINPO 34433.
12030 1122 Radio Delta. SINPO 54444.
15170U 1803 Radio 48 via Mix R Int (USA). SINPO 34433.

Friday, November 24, 2023

Logs 24 Nov 2023

1611 1731 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1620 1720 Mike Radio. SINPO 44433.
1629 1714 Radio Luka. SINPO 34433.
1638 1705 Radio DB. SINPO 44433.
1650 1900 Radio Moonlight. SINPO 34433.
1656 1854 Elco Radio. SINPO 24432.
1665 1840 Radio Scotland Int. SINPO 54444. QSO
1665 1846 Radio Meteoor. SINPO 44433. QSO
5140 1654 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34433.
6275 1645 Radio Blackstone. SINPO 44433.
6400 1627 Laser 558 recording via unid. SINPO 34433.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Logs 23 Nov 2023

1611 1702 Radio Augusta. SINPO 23432.
1620 1818 Radio Black Power. SINPO 44433.
1628 1919 Radio Pontiac. SINPO 44433.
1629 1810 Radio Stem Van Twente. SINPO 34433.
1638 1805 Radio DB. SINPO 54444.
1638 1909 Radio Turftrekker. SINPO 54444.
1640 1928 Radio Marskramer. SINPO 44433.
1656 1643 Radio Digital. SINPO 54444.
5140 1637 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34333.
6270 1620 Los Santos Rock R via Deltracks. SINPO 44433. Heard on 6290 at 1648 (34333)

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Logs 22 Nov 2023

1611 1825 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1620 1807 Radio Poema. SINPO 34433.
1645 1836 Radio Luka. SINPO 34333.
1655 1816 Radio Vrolijke Mijnwerker. SINPO 44433. ID via BetaJBK DX blog
5120 1743 Radio Jennifer (pres). SINPO 34333.
5140 1735 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34333.
6260 1715 Radio Mexico. SINPO 54444.
6280 1758 Radio Monique. SINPO 54444.
6300 1720 Radio Ronalisa. SINPO 34333.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Logs 21 Nov 2023

1512 1713 Radio Blackbeard. SINPO 34433.
1611 1700 Radio Augusta. SINPO 23432.
1620 1736 Radio Robin Hood. SINPO 24432.
1620 1915 Radio King Kong. SINPO 44433.
1620 2105 Radio Marjanne. SINPO 54444.
1629 1858 Radio Spakenburg. SINPO 44433.
1629 2125 Radio Wilskracht. SINPO 44433.
1630 1651 Mike Radio. SINPO 44433.
1635 2055 Radio Pandora. SINPO 54444.
4900 1904 Radio Akenzo. SINPO 44433.
5140 1636 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34433.
6270 1612 Deltracks. SINPO 54444.
6295 1621 Radio Ronalisa. SINPO 34433.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Logs 20 Nov 2023

1233 2046 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 24432. //5880
1611 1700 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1620 1912 Bluebird Radio. SINPO 54444.
1628 1919 Radio Al Capone. SINPO 33433.
1629 2034 Radio Luka. SINPO 44433.
1634 1904 Radio Eigen Risico. SINPO 33433. 
1636 2053 Radio Orban. SINPO 54444.
1638 1650 Radio Pontiac. SINPO 34433.
5140 1638 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34433.
5880 2042 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433.
6270 1630 Radio Eldorado (NL) (via unid). SINPO 34433.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Logs 19 Nov 2023

3906 1735 Radio Blackjack. SINPO 34333.
5835 1000 Golden Oldies Radio via unid. SINPO 45444.
5880 1353 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44433.
6020 0920 Radio Casanova. SINPO 55444.
6110 0948 Radio Akenzo. SINPO 55444.
6205 0942 Superclan Radio. SINPO 34433.
6260 1457 Radio Joey (pres). SINPO 54444.
6262 0935 Radio Altrex. SINPO 24432.
6270 1335 Radio Lowland. SINPO 34433.
6280 0955 Studio 52 via Radio Mexico. SINPO 44433.
6280 1415 Radio Monique. SINPO 54444.
6295 1020 Weekend Music Radio. SINPO 54444. Heard on 6300 at 1520 (SINPO 54444)
6325 1513 Radio Baken 16. SINPO 44433. Move from 6372.5
6372.5 1510 Radio Baken 16. SINPO 43433.
6700 0925 Polka Radio. SINPO 34433.
6936 1344 New Dance Radio. SINPO 34333.
6970 0930 Flux AM. SINPO 34433.
7590 1012 Radio Pamela. SINPO 34433.
7760L 1006 Radio JVG. SINPO 34433.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Logs 18 Nov 2023

1611 1734 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1629 1725 Radio Torpedojager. SINPO 34433.
1646 1911 Radio Arona (tent). SINPO 24432.
1655 1925 Yogi Radio. SINPO 54444.
5120 1537 Radio Jennifer. SINPO 34433.
5140 1546 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34433.
5840 1704 Radio Akenzo. SINPO 44433.
5880 1215 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44433.
6205 1206 Superclan Radio. SINPO 34433.
6270 1710 Deltracks. SINPO 44433.
6280 1525 Panda Radio. SINPO 34433.
6295 1150 Weekend Music Radio. SINPO 54444.
12030 1158 Radio Delta. SINPO 54444.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Logs 17 Nov 2023

1233 2142 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433.
1611 1816 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1620 1822 Radio De Derde Man. SINPO 24432.
1629 1923 Radio Turftrekker. SINPO 44433.
1638 1758 Radio Luka. SINPO 34433.
1645 1910 Radio Baanbreker. SINPO 33433.
1645 2149 Radio James Bond. SINPO 34433.
1665 1805 Radio Tarzan. SINPO 34433.
3935 2125 WMBR. SINPO 24432.
3975 2132 Weekend Music R via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 35433.
4873 1717 Radio Akenzo. SINPO 44433.
5140 1745 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 33433.
6205 1712 Superclan Radio. SINPO 33433. Utility QRM
6285 1725 NMD Radio. SINPO 54444.
6300 1705 Deltracks. SINPO 54444.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Logs 16 Nov 2023

1233 2142 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433. //5880
1611 1800 Radio Augusta. SINPO 23432.
1620 1834 Radio Houthakker. SINPO 34433.
1630 2152 Radio Barones. SINPO 44433. Move from 1638
1637 1730 Radio Lokaal. SINPO 34433.
1638 1828 Radio DB. SINPO 44433.
1638 2125 Radio Barones. SINPO 43433.
1645 2256 Radio Marskramer. SINPO 44433.
1655 2134 Radio Kristal. SINPO 44433.
1665 1735 Radio Josje Power. SINPO 44433.
5140 1805 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34433.
5880 2140 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433.
6700 1813 Polka Radio. SINPO 34433.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Logs 14 & 15 Nov

14/11 1611 1800 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
14/11 1620 1750 Robin Hood Radio. SINPO 24432.
15/11 1620 1716 Radio Zorro. SINPO 34433.
14/11 1629 1740 Radio Luka. SINPO 34433.
15/11 1629 1740 Mike Radio. SINPO 44433.
15/11 3943 1750 Misti Radio. SINPO 34333.
14/11 5140 1807 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34333.
15/11 5140 1651 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 33433.
15/11 6275 1643 Radio Ronalisa (pres). SINPO 34433.
15/11 6300 1633 Deltracks. SINPO 44433.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Logs 13 Nov 2023

1611 2149 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1615 1921 Radio Sapparo. SINPO 33433.
1629 1910 Bluebird Radio. SINPO 54444.
1636 1918 Radio Eigen Risico (tent). SINPO 33433.
5140 1926 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34333.
5880 2140 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Logs 12 Nov 2023

1611 2248 Radio Augusta. SINPO 34433.
1620 1635 Radio Witte Duif. SINPO 34433.
1636 2239 Radio Mi Amigo. SINPO 44433.
1638 1617 Radio DB. SINPO 44433.
1670 1612 Radio Technical Man. SINPO 44433.
5140 1544 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 24332.
5835 1002 Golden Oldies Radio via unid. SINPO 55444.
5835 1445 Radio Europe (Ukr) (pres). SINPO 24432.
5880 1238 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433.
6020 0930 Radio Casanova. SINPO 55444.
6205 1225 Superclan Radio. SINPO 34433.
6240 0955 Premier Radio Int. SINPO 44433.
6240 1419 Radio Mi Amigo. SINPO 44433.
6270 1218 Time Radio. SINPO 34433.
6270 1456 Deltracks. SINPO 44433.
6280 1510 Radio Joey (pres). SINPO 54444.
6285 0925 Radio Mexico. SINPO 44433.
6295 0948 Weekend Music Radio. SINPO 54444.
6305 1732 Radio Universe. SINPO 43433.
6375 1435 Radio Igloo via R Mexico. SINPO 54444
6385 1426 Radio Baken 16. SINPO43433.
6390 1429 Radio Baken 16. SINPO 44433. Move from 6385. 
6395 1520 Radio Baken 16. SINPO 33433. Move from 6390
6400 1010 Radio Caroline 819 recording. SINPO 33433.  Via Kiss AM?
6970 0940 Flux AM. SINPO 34433.
7640 1017 Star Radio. SINPO 34433.
7760 0935 Radio JVG. SINPO 34433.
12030 1310 Radio Delta. SINPO 55444.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Logs 11 Nov 2023

1611 1830 Radio Augusta. SINPO 23432.
1618 1925 Radio Waterman. SINPO 34433.
1629 2257 Radio Blauwe Koe. SINPO 44433.
1635 2250 Radio Monte Carlo. SINPO 43433.
1638 1822 Radio Johnny Camaro. SINPO 44433.
1642 2242 Radio Marconist. SINPO 44433.
1645 2310 Radio Nachtzwerver. SINPO 34433.
1652 2246 Radio Moby Dick. SINPO 44433.
1656 2234 Radio De Kruik. SINPO 33433.
1665 2239 Radio Tarzan. SINPO 44433.
4945 1810 Radio Igloo via Akenzo. SINPO 44433. //5835, 6375
5140 1722 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34433.
5835 1805 Radio Igloo via Continental. SINPO 43433.
5880 1640 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 54444.
6270 1711 Deltracks. SINPO 54444.
6295 1633 Weekend Music Radio. SINPO 54444.
6375 1655 Studio 52 via R Mexico. SINPO 54444.
6375 1800 Radio Igloo via Mexico. SINPO 54444. 
6400 1620 Radio Caroline relay. SINPO 33433. Via Kiss AM?
6940 1648 New Dance Radio. SINPO 34333.
25910U 1729 Mix Radio Int (USA). SINPO 24432. Heard on 25695U at 1825 (24432)

Friday, November 10, 2023

Logs 10 Nov 2023

1620 1742 Radio King Kong. SINPO 44433.
1629 1634 Radio Prof Sickbok. SINPO 34433.
1638 1735 Radio Luka. SINPO 34433.
1647 1755 Radio Armada. SINPO 34433.
1656 1747 Radio Turfsteker. SINPO 34433.
5140 1725 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34333. 
6270 1730 Studio 52. SINPO 34433.
6290 1607 Radio Ronalisa. SINPO 33433.
6300 1600 Deltracks. SINPO 54444.
6939 1616 Radio Dolfijn. SINPO 44433.

Thursday, November 09, 2023

Logs 9 Nov 2023

1629 1800 Radio Stem van Twente. SINPO 34433.
1640 1818 Radio Marskramer. SINPO 44433.
1656 1808 Radio Tarzan. SINPO 34433.
1665 1714 Radio Digital. SINPO 34433.
5140 1755 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 33433.
6290 1747 Radio Ronalisa. SINPO 44433.
6295 1824 Deltracks. SINPO 34433.
6300 1700 Radio Monique. SINPO 54444.
6915 1729 New Dance Radio (tent). SINPO 34433.

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Logs 8 Nov 2023

1611 1920 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1620 1720 Radio Pontiac. SINPO 34433.
1629 1734 Mike Radio. SINPO 44433.
1638 1925 Radio Luka. SINPO 34433.
1647 1740 Radio Nachtzwerver. SINPO 33433.
5140 1912 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34333.
6270 1555 Deltracks. SINPO 44444.
6270 1850 Radio Avia. SINPO 34433.
6285 1550 Radio Mexico. SINPO 55444.
6295 1604 Radio Ronalisa. SINPO 34433.
6300 1857 Deltracks. SINPO 54444. Change of freq
6940 1612 Radio Dolfijn. SINPO 54444.

Radio Igloo on three frequencies

On Saturday, November 11, a new program from Radio Igloo will be broadcast. The West Coast DX club will have a listening camp in a cabin in the woods north of Gothenburg next weekend.

The DX club and Radio Igloo will broadcast a program with our own favorite music. There will be a mix of many different styles of music. Our best program to date – at least we think so.

For the first time, the program will be broadcast simultaneously from three different transmitters, from different locations in Central Europe and on different frequencies. It has become possible thanks to our radio-friends in Central Europe. It will be interesting to see how it will work.

The program will be broadcast on Saturday 11 November at 19–20 Central European Time (18–19 UTC) on 4945, 5840 and 6380 kHz. (or on a free frequency nearby). The program will be rebroadcast the following day at 15-16 CET (14-15 UTC) on 6380 kHz.

We appreciate reports on our program, preferably with an audio clip and with comments on the content of the program. Correct reports will be answered with a new e-QSL. 

Send your reports to

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Logs 7 Nov 2023

1611 1833 Radio Augusta. SINPO 33433.
1638 1845 Radio Luka. SINPO 34433.
1660 1902 Voice of the Netherlands. SINPO 24332.
1665 1657 Radio Digital. SINPO 34433.
3920 1838 Misti Radio. SINPO 34333.
5140 1827 Charleston Radio Int. SINPO 34333.
5835 1646 Radio Europe (Ukr). SINPO 24332.
6290 1632 Radio Ronalisa (tent). SINPO 34433.
6300 1625 Skyline R Germany via R Mexico. SINPO 54444.
6700 1640 Polka Radio. SINPO 24332.
6940 1916 Zeppelin Radio (pres). SINPO 24332.