
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wed July 15

3900: Skyline International Radio with a strong signal @ 2135, playing country music, then Blondie "Tide is High." SINPO 54444.

4025: Laser Hot Hits
with Gary Drew playing dance music from the 80s @ 1720 and mentioning sponsored programmes. SINPO 44433.

6220: Mystery Radio with dance music @ 1730. Fair-good signal but some fading. SINPO 34433.

6376: Radio Baken 16 with instrumental music @ 2203. Weak-fair signal, some morse QRM. Very unsettled conditions. SINPO 23332. (via Bedford web receiver)

6396: Radio Apollo heard @ 2157 with "Man of Action." Weak signal with utility QRM. (via Bedford web receiver)

6925u: Spider Radio with a weak signal - just hear music above the noise @ 2015. SINPO 24332.


  1. yes conditions seem strange at your location,considering you have not heard sonnet radio for the last two evenings

  2. Skip not short enough to hear Sonnet last few nights...
