
Sunday, August 07, 2011

Sun Aug 7

4015: Laser Hot Hits. Martin Scott talk about overseas aid, dance music @ 0800. SINPO 34333.

5815: Orion Radio. "We Love the Pirate Stations" @ 0745. SINPO 34333.

6140: MV Baltic Radio. Johnny Wakelin "In Zaire" @ 0905, strong signal. SINPO 54444.

6220: Radio Merlin Int. Abba "Knowing Me Knowing You" @ 0750. Weak-fair signal. SINPO 24332.

6291: Radio Caroline/Rainbow (tent). Weak signal with splash from Reflections Europe (6295) and occasional utility QRM. SINPO 23332.

6305: Radio Paardenkracht. ID heard @ 1103 before signal disappeared back into the noise. SINPO 24332.

6305: Radio Marconi & Alice. Dutch music @ 1830, good signal with strong peaks. SINPO 44433.

6310: Radio Powerliner. Human League "Mirror Man" @ 2025, splash from strong 6305. SINPO 43433.

6325: Radio Mustang. U2 "Sunday Bloody Sunday" @ 2050. Strong signal. SINPO 54444.

6325: Radio Lowland. Dutch music @ 1840 followed by ID. Fair signal but some fading. SINPO 34333.

6940: Laser Hot Hits. Weak signal @ 0915, music just audible. SINPO 24332.

6950: Mike Radio. ID jingles, Yellow "The Race" @ 0828. Fair signal. SINPO 34333.

6960: Atlantic Radio. John Lennon song @ 0900, fair signal. SINPO 34333.


  1. Anonymous9:46 am

    Hi Paul,

    ...and again many thanks for yourlog
    of us there, again great!!!

    Radio Caroline/Rainbow International.

  2. Hello Paul,

    As always much appreciated; the logs you post for Orion radio on this blog. As there is so less time and so much to rea don the internet sometimes we forget to write a few words of thanks; sorry for that.

    all the best;

