
Saturday, November 02, 2013

Sat Nov 2

4026 0945 Laser Hot Hits. Dance mx. SINPO 34333.
5815 0953 Misti Radio. Elvis "Blue Suede Shoes." SINPO 34333.
6205 1519 Radio Spaceshuttle. ID jingle, Squeeze "Cool for Cats," Nena "99 Red Balloons." SINPO 34333.
6210 1513 Skyline Radio Germany. Rock, jingle "This SRG - Skyline Radio Germany." SINPO 34333.
6215 0937 Radio King SW (pres). Slow rock song, mod slightly on the low side. SINPO 34333.
6240 1718 Radio Tango Italia. Move to avoid Iran on 6205. Tango mx. SINPO 34333.
6246 1540 Radio Underground. Mike Oldfield "Moonlight Shadow," SINPO 44433.
6255 1723 Radio Telstar South. "Desert Island Discs" and other radio theme tunes. SINPO 54444.
6285 1642 Radio Black Arrow. "Land of the Living," ID, greets. SINPO 54444.
6293 1649 Radio Mustang. ID, greets, "Sing Hallelujah," "Saturday Night," some utility splash but no problem for Mustang's mega-signal. SINPO 54444.
6302 1640 Halloween Radio. Contact details, rock, off few minutes later. SINPO 54444.
6310 1635 Radio Titanic. Dutch song, closing down with "Caroline," ID. SINPO 44333.
6423 1506 Studio 52. "Red Balloon," ID, greets, DT song. SINPO 44433.
6747 Radio Pioneer. Jon & Vangelis, then "Going Back to My Roots." SINPO 54444.
6796 1000 Radio Pink Panther. Dutch polka songs. SINPO 54444.
6800 1532 Radio Tower. IDs and email address in English & Dutch, "You're My Favourite Waste of Time." SINPO 54444.
6910 1730 Premier Radio. "Green Green Grass of Home," "I'm A Believer." SINPO 44433.
6925 1628 Trans Europe Radio. "Blinded Me With Science", Human League "Open Your Heart." SINPO 54444.
6940 0927 Radio Coax. ID, Boston "More than a Feeling." SINPO 24332.

(via Twente SDR)


  1. Thanks Paul for report.
    Premier Radio International

  2. I have just been looking at you pirate memories page..I ran P O Box 5 in the 80's & knew several of the stations..Radio Pamela 1.5 KW..yes right, he ran that OK,..I relayed him several times..Radio 47 was a name Norman Nelson used to broadcast with several times & if you heard it Xmas day it was a live broadcast..

  3. Anonymous6:36 am

    Thanks for reporting weak transmitter of Radio Spaceshuttle. Hopefulli it and our new antenna will give proper signal also in futere,

    PS. Higher power transmissions are over from here :(

  4. Good to know you find the Pirate Memories page interesting, Alan.

    If any one else wants to take a look the address is:

    Thanks for your comments Premier Radio & Radio Spaceshuttle. :)
