
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sat May 31

3905 1828 Radio Alice. Dutch and country music. SINPO 44433.
4025 1917 Laser Hot Hits. Dance version of the "Batman" theme. SINPO 44433.
6070 1851 Cool AM. Country music, ID jingles and off. SINPO 34333.
6095 0830 KBC v Nauen. Dr Hook "When You're Love With A Beautiful Woman." SINPO 55555.
6220 1719 Tip & Elvis Show. "Going Back to My Roots," strong. SINPO 54444.
6240 1646 Radio Kilohertz. ID, talk in German, German music. SINPO 34333.
6255 1638 Radio Merlin Int. Dance music, ID, greetings, testing new mixer. SINPO 34333.
6285 1653 Radio Focus Int. Rolling Stones "Let's Spend the Night Together," SINPO 34333.
6292 1757 Radio Altrex. Oldies, weak. SINPO 24332.
6295 1623 Radio Black Arrow. "Knowing Me Knowing You," greetings. SINPO 34333.
6300 1846 Radio Klabautermann. German songs. SINPO 44333.
6305 2210 Radio Underground. House music, ID, greetings, signal quite jumpy. SINPO 54434.
6322 1802 Radio Verona. Dutch songs, ID. SINPO 44433.
6430 2127 Radio Powerliner. ID, greetings, instr mx. SINPO 54444.
6725 1735 Tower Radio. Oldies, greetings. SINPO 44433.
6925 1700 Station QRP. Oldies, ID, weak. SINPO 24332. Better signal at 1902 (44433).
6940 2147 Radio Little Feat. ID, greetings, "Rescue Me." SINPO 34333.
6950 1900 Premier Radio. "Video Killed the Radio Star," ID, "Happy Birthday." SINPO 34333.
7500 1855 Radio Technical Man. Accordion music, ID, email add, "Bette Davis Eyes."  SINPO 34333.
9510 0815 Radio City v IRRS. Pilot "Magic," Chuck Berry "No Particular Place To Go." SINPO 55544.
9925L 2125 Baltic Sea Radio. ID, Finnish pop. SINPO 44433.
15050 1907 Radio Waves Int. Country music, ID. SINPO 34333.

(via Twente SDR)