
Monday, January 04, 2016

eQSL from XTC

eQSL received today from the Xenon Transmitting Company. Thanks for the eQSL.


  1. Anonymous12:22 pm

    great to see this station back on the air

  2. Anonymous5:47 am

    Yes, many happy memories of listening to X.T.C. on shortwave on my old little Realistic set when I was a student. I remember the interesting programmes with indie and alternative rock music, a bit of chat, listeners letters and snippets about UFOs! Great station, and glad to hear it's still around.

  3. Anonymous6:16 pm

    Formerly Radio Mutiny?

  4. Anonymous10:43 pm

    I remember them from over 20 years ago as XTC, not sure if they were Mutiny before that?

  5. Anonymous7:56 pm

    Early 90s I think but Mr. Teabags/Roberts will have to confirm/deny that himself!

  6. It is good to see XTC still going. I remember listening to other British pirates around the end of 90s/ early 2000s like Live Wire Radio who always had a good signal on the Yacht Boy I was using at the time.

    Then there was Subterranean Sounds and Radio Skeleton among others...

    I wonder where they all are now?

  7. Anonymous4:31 pm

    i believe they are still about. only in the listening fourm. heard steve midnight get a mention on xtc over xmas. mr live wire sold up. his txs went to a good homes. they are still been used to this day.back in the 90s the 76 meter band was used a lot.we had radio korak on 3927 reflections on 3910 spaceman.blackbeard.rfl fantasy radio network. live wire not forgetting subs sounds with his late night programmes. he even had a qso with some fishermen..just to name a few.its not used as much today. radio underground has been heard on 3905.laser is still up there on 4026.

  8. Anonymous1:45 pm

    Also Radio Ability, RECC, UK Radio, I really enjoyed Live Wire and Sub. Sounds, both had great music. I also miss Radio Stella and the 'Cattle Row radio network' as it said in their QSL card.

    Radio Mi Amigo (SW), BRI as well and who can forget Radio Lightening (sic)!

  9. Anonymous2:25 am

    Yes, great memories. I remember Radio East Coast Commercial (RECC) with the late, great Normal Nelson in around 1989: they always had a compilation programme of loggings for British FM/AM pirates in each city and region. If you did not subscribe to one of the free radio fanzines, then it was a great resource.

    Subterranean Sounds was a great station as well. If you liked XTC, then Sub Sounds was also in the same indie/punk/alternative music vein. Nice that you recalled Radio Ability, which came via the transmitter of Radio Atlantis (West Mids) on -gosh, I think it was 6400 kHz on Saturday afternoons. It was the first attempt to allow people with disabilities to communicate directly with each other and with the wider listening population, and as such, was the forerunner of many of today's legal community projects working in this field.

  10. Anonymous2:26 am

    >> RECC was NORMAN Nelson, sorry for my mistake - late night typo. <<

  11. Anonymous1:15 pm

    Atlantis 6210/6400 on weekdays? About 1997? Radio Pamela is one I recall - Steve Most?

  12. Anonymous1:47 pm

    Yes, I recall Radio Pamela too, but they never put in a great signal at my location.

    The Atlantis I am thinking of (which relayed Radio Ability) ran in 1992-94, eventually being forced off the air when the Post Office made a visit to the postal address being used and warning them that a DTI raid was imminent if they did not stop.

  13. Anonymous6:10 pm

    Yes, on reflection I recall Atlantis being circa 1993, West Midlands-based, I think. Anyone recall Oscar the Engineer, 76 metres and SF03, often QSOing with WMR?
