
Saturday, September 10, 2016

Sat Sept 10

1611U 2045 Mike Radio. Elvis Costello "Oliver's Army." SINPO 45444.
4015 1952 Laser Hot Hits. Gary Drew show. "Walking in the Rain." SINPO 43433.
6005 1912 Radio Northern Ireland v R700. SSTV, strong splash. SINPO 53443.
6210 1822 Laser Hot Hits v Blackbeard. The Shamen song, SINPO 34333.
6260 2029 Radio Panda. Eagles "Hotel California," fair-good peaks. SINPO 24332/3.
6265 2019 Radio Mr Cash. Dolly Parton "Jolene," greetings, ID. SINPO 44333.
6285 1900 Radio Focus Int. Canned Heat "Let's Work Together," promo for RNLI. SINPO 44433.
6305 1919 Radio Marabu. German rock, utility QRM. SINPO 53443.
6316 1959 Radio OZNRH. IDs, smooth jazz. SINPO 44433.
6320 1837 Radio Mustang. Hollies "Air That I Breathe." SINPO 34333.
6325 2033 Radio Norton. Demis Roussos "Forever & Forever." SINPO 44333.
6423 2040 Studio 52. Oldies, utility QRM. SINPO 23332.
6985 2055 QBC International (tent). Alternative rock music, weak. SINPO 24332.
7700U 1806 Marconi Radio Int. DX show, fair peaks. SINPO 25443.
11845 1815 SM Radio v Armenia. Ron O'Quinn 70s show. SINPO 55544.

(via Twente SDR)

Tonight - best conditions on 48m for a while. Let's hope it continues....


  1. Anonymous6:44 am

    True, but it depends on who is broadcasting. Quantity is no substitute for quality..

  2. Anonymous2:34 pm

    What's happened to Irish Paul ???

  3. Very good question. Does anyone know where Irish Paul is?

  4. Anonymous1:02 pm

    >True, but it depends on who is broadcasting. Quantity is no substitute for quality<
    Dead right. There used to be some very good, professional sounding pirates back in the old days, but not anymore. 99% of the stations on the air these days are just pure

  5. Anonymous6:53 am

    Agreed, anonymous. Only when the 'back in the day' operators temporarily come out of retirement does the quality markedly improve.

  6. Anonymous2:36 pm

    Bogusman is worth listening to with his ramblings about life. Focus is also good because they play a lot of music you don't hear anywhere else - it is just a pity conditions have been so bad recently so they've not been easy to hear.

    Most of the Dutch stations just come on, play a few records, greet people in the "chat" and go off again - sometimes they don't bother talking and play continuous music, which is very annoying. I like listening to Magic AM and Python who are a bit different to the others.

    Laser is still going strong although I would prefer them to play less current music and more oldies. But it is good the station is still going and you'd miss it if it wasn't there!

    But I do get a feeling it is in slow decline. Ten years ago you'd tune to 48 metres on a Sunday and the band would be packed, now there's hardly any stations on a Sunday.

  7. Anonymous8:21 pm

    XTC are very listenable but the likes of LWR, Subterranean and Armadillo are big shoes which no one in this era gets close to filling.
