
Saturday, October 07, 2017

Sat Oct 7

6205 1453 Laser Hot Hits. Ian Lawrence talking about moving, dance music. SINPO 44433.
6235 1508 Radio Waves Int. ID, country music. SINPO 33333.
6240 1513 Ronnie AM. Midnight Oil "Beds are Burning," SINPO 33333.
6260 1805 Delta Radio. "Keep on Rocking in the Free World," SINPO 44433.
6265 1544 Radio Mexico (tent). Dutch music. SINPO 44433, but with carrier on 6267 - SINPO 42432.
6285 1756 Triple L Radio (Black Bandit). "Venus," "I Feel Love." SINPO 55544.
6295 1605 Radio 102. David Bowie "Fashion," SINPO 24332.
6307 1555 Radio Goofy. European music, IDs. SINPO 34333.
6313U 1613 Baltic Sea Radio. ID, Finnish music. SINPO 34433.
6950 1519 Enterprise Radio. Celebrating third birthday. "Big in Japan," "Fade to Grey," greetings. SINPO 34333.
6985 1655 QBC (tent). Sounds like relay/rebroadcast of a London FM pirate, CW QRM. SINPO 23332.

(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)


  1. Anonymous7:14 pm

    Not much worth switching the RX on for!

  2. Anonymous10:20 pm

    Also heard in Bristol, United Kingdom, at around 7.35 to 7.50 British Time - an UNID on 6285 kHz playing country music, polka and Edith Piaf's "Je Ne Regrette Rien". Possibly Radio Ab-Dhabi. Weak signal on 6260 kHz with rock music at same time, and Laser blasting in on 6205 kHz, with a tribute to BBC Radio 1 on its fiftieth anniversary.

    Legal stations which have some links to pirate radio (mainly as ex-pirates):
    6070 kHz - Channel 292. German rock music show.
    6085 kHz - Radio Mi Amigo International (weak at this location).
    6150 kHz - Radio Marabu via Europe24.
    6160 kHz - "Test transmissions" for new shortwave broadcaster. Whether this is a legal continental set up or a British pirate I don't know. Listeners with memories that stretch back to 80s shortwave pirate stations will recognize several of the voices on the tests. ,
    9400 kHz - KBC Radio (at 4pm).
