
Sunday, November 19, 2017

Sun Nov 19

3940 1635 Radio Underground. Barbara Dickson "January February." Strong peaks. SINPO 44444.
5840 1005 Radio 319. Radio Caroline North programme. SINPO 35433.
5890 1341 Radio Batavia. "Hey There Geordie Girl," "Downtown." SINPO 34333.
*6205 1142 Laser Hot Hits. Flock of Seagulls "I Ran," talking about batteries. SINPO 34333.
6230 1000 Radio Casanova. Dutch music. SINPO 43443.
*6230 1129 Radio Dolfijn. Dutch music. SINPO 34333.
6235 1033 Radio Waves Int. Country music. SINPO 33433.
6260 1405 Radio Panda. Old time music. SINPO 33333.
6261 0955 Cupid Radio. Dance music. SINPO 54444.
6265 1620 Radio Relmus. Country music. SINPO 34333.
*6285 1155 Radio Batavier. "Johnny Be Good," off. SINPO 55444.
6285 1420 Radio Relmus. ID, greetings, Dutch music and oldies. SINPO 34333.
6305 1012 Radio Merlin Int. Talking to last person to be airlifted from Ross Revenge. SINPO 34333.
6320 1545 Radio Joey. Dance music, ID, greetings. SINPO 55544.
6385 1355 Unid. Old Radio Caroline recordings. SINPO 34333.

(via Kiwi SDR, SW England/ *Barneys web SDR)


  1. Anonymous1:11 pm

    >> *6285 1155 Radio Batavier. "Johnny Be Good," off. SINPO 55444.

    heard at 1029, playing (messing) like BBR, then IDing as Barones, Batavier, Mustang and Witte Reus, break at 11007 UTC, back at 1120 (killing a weaker station) with an old record of Caroline 259, then Dutch music at 1127 (and I did not listen more, no ID this time).


  2. Anonymous2:00 pm

    Ray to the rescue...

  3. The operator spoke in Dutch just before sign off - it wasn't Johnny Tobacco (Black Bandit). The general view in the Pirate Chat was it was station B4 (Batavier) - not be confused with another Dutch station called Batavia, who is on 5890

  4. Anonymous9:16 pm

    All those different IDs between 1046 and 1050 UTC were each announced two times (if not three times), with the same voice (not the voice of BBR).
    Maybe it was Batavier, I don't know. (Absolutely no confusion with Batavia)
    After the break at 1107, I tuned elsewhere.
    At 1118, I found a weak station on 6285, then at 1119 began a beating (a few Hz away), and at 1120 a stronger audio killed the weak station. That strong signal was quite like the previous one, including the offset, but with a Caroline 259 recording, then after a blank at 1126, played at at 1127 the Dutch version of "On s'est aimés comme on se quitte" (just like at 1036).
    Can't say more, look elsewhere for further details.

