
Saturday, July 07, 2018

Sat July 7

4940 2147 Dance Wave SW (pres). Dance music. SINPO 44333.
5140 1955 Charleston Radio Int. Music from 1920s-30s. SINPO 44333.
5775 1651 Harmony Radio. "A Fine Romance." SINPO 44433.
5800 2102 Tesla Radio. OMD "Enola Gay." SINPO 24332.
6205 1638 Laser Hot Hits. Dance music. SINPO 44444.
6240 1720 Radio Waves Int. French pop. SINPO 34333.
6272 2125 Radio Johnny Tobacco. Schlager. SINPO 55444.
6285 1727 Coast FM via relay. Madness "Baggy Trousers,"  Kylie Minogue "Better the Devil You Know." SINPO 44433.
6333 2050 Pandora Radio. Weak signal, music just audible and snatches of speech. SINPO 23332. By 2130, signal had recovered although some utility splash from 6328. SINPO 43333.
6423 2139 Studio 52. Greetings, Dutch music. SINPO 43333.
6910 2023 Premier Radio Int. ID, oldies, signal fading. SINPO 23332.
7726 2040 Zeppelin Radio (pres). Instrumental music, good peaks. SINPO 33333.

(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:21 am

    And on 6272 kHz an hour later beginning at 22.17: "Walk of Life", "Gimme all your Lovin'",greetings to Terry and DB, "Start me up", "Satisfaction","What I like about you", greetings to Johnny Tobacco and Johnny Camaro,id at 22.28: *You're listening to Flipper Radio from the middle of the Netherlands", "Message in a Bottle", 22.32 id in Dutch, again greetings to JT and JC, "Roxanne", "I can't dance"
