
Friday, December 13, 2019

Fri Dec 13

3920 2137 Radio Parade Int. Jazz tune, IDs. SINPO 34333.
5140 2150 Charleston Radio Int. Old-time music. SINPO 34333.
5780 1456 Radio Harmony. Bobbie Gentry "I'll Never Fall in Love Again," Rosemary Clooney "Hey There." SINPO 45444.
6260 Radio Heidi. Yodelling music, ID/email address. SINPO 23332.
6277 2140 Radio Johnny Tobacco. Rock, polka, country and other musical styles. SINPO 44433.
6290 1538 Radio Monique. ID, greetings, talking about Brexit, "Hawaii 5-O" theme. SINPO 34433.
6305 2156 Radio Monique. Rammstein "Deutschland." SINPO 33333.
6940 1538 Radio Jan Van Gent. Dutch music. SINPO 33433.

(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)


  1. Anonymous10:00 pm

    On the Jurassic Coast SDR receiver, I logged Charleston Radio on 5145 kHz. It later relocated to 5140 kHz. I think the 5145 frequency was started with because there was some utility interference on their main channel earlier today. At dinner time, I heard Radio Harmony on 5780 kHz but they are not on this evening as far as I can tell.

    On the University of Twente SDR, a number of Dutch pirates were heard through the day. This evening, Friday 13th, Radio Polydor is on 1611 kHz and Radio Kristal is on 1665 kHz. Both stations are making lengthy music broadcasts, mostly of Dutch oldies. Radio Kristal has been announcing in English and giving out their email address.

    There have been a number of Dutch free radio stations popping up around 1635 to 1640 kHz, but mostly for brief periods or QSOs. A couple of them heard on a portable radio here in Bristol (UK) with quite strong signals.

  2. Thanks for your remarks.

    Charleston Radio Int often switches frequency if there is interference on their usual frequency of 5140. Harmony was putting in a good signal until about 4pm when the band closed.

    But unusually tonight 48 metres was open again with Dutch pirates Johnny Tobacco and Monique being heard.

    A lot of the stronger Dutch MW pirates can be heard over here on a portable.

  3. Anonymous10:50 am

    Dutch oldies, jazz, yodelling, old-time music and a multitude of odd-ball Dutch stations whose names change with the wind. Halcyon days...
