
Monday, January 27, 2020

Mon Jan 27

1632 1714 Radio Nimmerzog (tent). Polka, ID at 1734. SINPO 44433.
1638 2140 Radio Alabama. Travelling Wilburys "End of the Line," Fleetwood Mac "Go Your Own Way," SINPO 54444.
1648 2133 Old Timer Radio. Polka & Dutch song, het from nearby carrier. SINPO 43433.
1660 1804 Radio Eigen Risico. Country music, co-channel QRM. SINPO 33433.
5140 2155 Charleston Radio Int. Old-time music. SINPO 24332.
5835v 1640 Radio Europe (Ukraine). Russian music, off  1643. Was on 5835.7, returned a few minutes later on 5834.7 with numerous IDs/email address but drifting back towards 5835. SINPO 34333.

(via Kiwim SDRs, SW England)


  1. Anonymous10:41 pm

    After Radio Alabama closed on 1638 kHz, Dutch pirate Radio Zender de Mi Amigo came up on the same frequency, playing rock and roll and giving reception reports, including one to Radio El Dorado in Portugal. Signal was good on the University of Twente Receiver.

  2. Alabama usually puts in a strong signal and good audio. There is also a Dutch Radio Eldorado, which might be the one Mi Amigo was greeting.
