
Sunday, January 12, 2020

Sun Jan 12

3905 1542 Radio Alice. Vicky Leandros "Come What May," Billy Swann "Let Me Help." SINPO 34333.
3920 1648 Radio WDR. The Cure "A Forest," Queen "Innuendo," ID, greetings. SINPO 34333.
5035 1341 Radio Pamela. Rose Tattoo "One of the Boys," Metallica "Whisky in the Jar." SINPO 24332.
5780 1100 Radio Harmony. Mario Lanza "You'll Never Walk Alone," Andrea Bocelli "Vivo Per Lei." SINPO 54444.
5840 1010 Radio 319. Radio Veronica recording. SINPO 44433.
6205 1040 Laser Hot Hits. Kraftwerk "Autobahn," Chante Moore "Straight Up." SINPO 44433.
6210 1017 Radio King SW. Roger Chapman "Leader of Men," QRM from French SSB & Laser. SINPO 32432.
6260 1025 Radio Baken 16. Kraftwerk "Trans Europe Express" & "Radioactivity," Diesel "Sausalito Summerlight," ID, greetings. SINPO 34433.
6275 1454 Radio Parade Int. Folk music. SINPO 24332. Signal up to SINPO 44433 at 1526.
6285 1459 Radio Tesla. Polka, QSO Zeewolf. SINPO 23432.
6285 1510 Radio Zeewolf. QSO with Tesla. SINPO 33433.
6287 1115 Radio Johnny Tobacco (pres). European ballads. SINPO 44433.
6290 1327 Radio KR1. Rick Astley "Never Gonna Give You Up," Scott McKenzie "Are You Going to San Francisco." SINPO 44433.
6305 1505 Cupid Radio. Capella "U Got to Let the Music," Nakatomi "Free." SINPO 44444.
6325 1523 Radio Monique. Talking Heads "Road to Nowhere," Thomas Dolby "Radio Silence." SINPO 44444.
6389 1047 Radio Lesbos. Greek music. SINPO 34333.

(via Kiwi SDRs, SW England)


  1. i see Radio 319 us on 120 mb 2370 khz can just hear him on my Radiwow using my 60 mb tx antenna, but good signal on the southwest uk Kiwi SDR though.

  2. Anonymous9:25 pm

    Radio Elvis from the Netherlands, announcing in English and Dutch on 3900 kHz, with a good signal via the University of Twente Receiver. Playing a mix of rock and pop, including New Order. Time: 9.31pm British Time, 10.31pm Dutch Time.
