1625 2130 Radio Pandora. Dutch songs. SINPO 44433.
1636 1818 Radio De Derde Man. Polka, ID, greetings in DT/EG. SINPO 34333.
1645 1830 Radio B4. Country music. SINPO 34333.
1665 1840 Radio Zwarte Panter. "The Night Chicago Died," SINPO 34333.
3920 1743 Mike Radio. ID, instrumental tune then a Dutch song. Powerful signal. SINPO 55544.
3935 2105 Radio Batavia. IDs, "Listen to the Band," "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes," SINPO 44433.
6205 1730 Laser Hot Hits. Mandy playing OMD "Enola Gay," The Cure "Friday I'm In Love," SINPO 54444.
6265 1748 Radio Zwarte Panter. Greetings, Dutch songs, signal at its peak before the fade. SINPO 55444.
9290 1737 Radio Spaceshuttle. Finnish music, ID. SINPO 25332.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Tributes paid to Tom Taylor of European Music Radio

Back in November Tom announced he was taking a break from EMR due to Non-Hodgkin Lymphona cancer. So this is very sad news to hear.
Mark Stafford wrote on Facebook: "Just got some very bad news, Barry Stephens (Tom Taylor) of European Music Radio fame has died.
"To many of us learning the art of Pirate Radio Broadcasting in the South East of England in the 1970's, Tom was "The Governor".EMR was a class station, probably the best Short Wave Pirate in the late 70's. Barry and his colleague Roger Tate were legends.
"Tom/Barry was also a really nice guy who helped us so much. He fixed our transmitters so many times for us and taught us how important good modulation was. Tom used to tell us "you have got to have hissing sidebands, mate"! By that he meant, lots of top end so that it cut through the noise and splashed audio on the next door channel!
"Tom had a famous three wheeler Reliant Robin that the he took the EMR gear out into the woods with! We will all remember that."
Peter Verbruggen of FRS Holland writes: "For many dedicated SW free radio enthusiasts, E.M.R. was the station in the late 1970s and 1980. As from 1980 onwards E.M.R. and FRS became sister stations.
"Within a few days a memorial with some personal memories will be put on the FRS site. We will inform you via mail when it will be online.
"All of us at FRS are shocked by Tom's death. He indeed was a short wave legend. May he rest in peace."
EMR was one of the first pirate stations I remember hearing when I started listening to shortwave radio nearly 40 years ago. In those days EMR was a pirate station broadcasting from the south of England and Tom used the name "Barry Stephens."
He had started the station in 1976 and began regular third Sunday broadcasts. After being raided in 1980 the station returned via relays from other pirate stations, before closing in 1983.
In 1996 EMR returned to shortwave through Dutch relays before switching in 2002 to legal broadcasts, although remaining a "free radio" station at heart. He would also help out other pirates with advice.
I enjoyed listening to EMR over the years. May you rest in peace Tom.
Many more tributes on Mark Stafford's Facebook page.
There is much more information about EMR on the station website at www.europeanmusicradio.com
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Tues Jan 30
1629 1758 Radio Moonbreker. Dutch songs. SINPO 34333.
1653 1752 Radio Bandung. Smokie "Living Next Door to Alice," SINPO 43333.
5840 1746 World Music Radio. African music. SINPO 34333.
6205 1723 Laser Hot Hits (pres). Signal fading out but music just about audible. Whistle from carrier on 6207.5. SINPO 23432.
6235 1718 The White Man Radio. Polka, numerous IDs at sign off at 1730, fair peaks. Splash from utility on 6232. SINPO 23332.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
1653 1752 Radio Bandung. Smokie "Living Next Door to Alice," SINPO 43333.
5840 1746 World Music Radio. African music. SINPO 34333.
6205 1723 Laser Hot Hits (pres). Signal fading out but music just about audible. Whistle from carrier on 6207.5. SINPO 23432.
6235 1718 The White Man Radio. Polka, numerous IDs at sign off at 1730, fair peaks. Splash from utility on 6232. SINPO 23332.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
Pirates for Peace

Members of the MIGHTY Pirates for Peace!
Lots of public PFP media transmitted their peaceful messages last year! We also want to mention the anonymous media, which are not a public member of PFP.
Hundreds of free media on the airwaves, and internet, brought out their peaceful messages and news about wrong doing of dictators.
In fact, almost every day you see news items on your common channels which have a relation with PIRATES FOR PEACE! Because of that, we noticed that organisations and governments are listening to us! And changed their behaviour in lots of cases!
Please continue what you are doing. Say something peaceful in your regular shows, publish images about news in countries with dictators, transmit free independent messages as well in free areas as in troubled areas and help each other with that! Put the logos every where you can.
https://soundcloud.com/pirates4peace WWW.PEACEPIRATEMEDIA.TK
Monday, January 29, 2018
Mon Jan 29
3905 2125 Radio Vonkenboer. Polka. SINPO 33333.
3935 2130 Radio Batavia. Testing new transmitter. Culture Club "Do You Really Want to Hurt Me," SINPO 33333.
3975 1655 Shortwave Radio. Rolling Stones "Little Red Rooster," announcement and request for reports played over record. SINPO 44444.
5840 1700 World Music Radio. Lively soca music, slight buzzing sound. SINPO 43433.
6205 1615 Laser Hot Hits. Madonna "Like a Virgin," Rockers Revenge "Walking on Sunshine," female DJ, called Mandy I think. Signal faded soon after. SINPO 54444.
6225 2117 Laser Hot Hits. New frequency. Elvis Costello "Pump It Up," splash from strong utility on 6220. SINPO 33333.
6239 1639 Unid. ELO "Don't Bring Me Down," Steve Miller Band "Abracadabra," signal just hanging on, no ID heard. SINPO 24332.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
3935 2130 Radio Batavia. Testing new transmitter. Culture Club "Do You Really Want to Hurt Me," SINPO 33333.
3975 1655 Shortwave Radio. Rolling Stones "Little Red Rooster," announcement and request for reports played over record. SINPO 44444.
5840 1700 World Music Radio. Lively soca music, slight buzzing sound. SINPO 43433.
6205 1615 Laser Hot Hits. Madonna "Like a Virgin," Rockers Revenge "Walking on Sunshine," female DJ, called Mandy I think. Signal faded soon after. SINPO 54444.
6225 2117 Laser Hot Hits. New frequency. Elvis Costello "Pump It Up," splash from strong utility on 6220. SINPO 33333.
6239 1639 Unid. ELO "Don't Bring Me Down," Steve Miller Band "Abracadabra," signal just hanging on, no ID heard. SINPO 24332.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Sun Jan 28
1620 2125 Unid. "The Lion Sleeps Tonight," "Peggy Sue." SINPO 34333.
1629 2110 Snowman Radio (tent). "Bridge Over Troubled Waters," "On My Radio," talk in Dutch. SINPO 23332.
1638 2138 Radio Jevenerstoker. Dutch songs, wobbly carrier. SINPO 34333.
(via Kiwi SDR, Peterborough)
1629 2110 Snowman Radio (tent). "Bridge Over Troubled Waters," "On My Radio," talk in Dutch. SINPO 23332.
1638 2138 Radio Jevenerstoker. Dutch songs, wobbly carrier. SINPO 34333.
(via Kiwi SDR, Peterborough)
Friday, January 26, 2018
Fri Jan 26
*1614 2330 Radio B4. ID, "Only Crying." SINPO 34333.
*1625 2310 Radio Monte Carolo. Reggae song, ID and off. SINPO 33333.
*1629 2300 Radio Twentana. Dutch songs. SINPO 33333.
*1635 2325 Radio Keizer & Keizerin (tent). Fleetwood Mac "Go Your Own Way," splash from 1646. SINPO 23432.
*1646 2250 Radio Vrolijke Mijnwerker. Oompah and Dutch music. SINPO 44444.
*1655 2255 Radio Wadloper. Sigue Sigue Sputnik. SINPO 33333.
*1655 1855 Radio Relmus. Dutch music. SINPO 34333.
5840 1615 World Music Radio. Bob Marley music, ID jingle. SINPO 44433.
6205 1603 Laser Hot Hits. Strawbs "Shine on Silver Sun," SINPO 23332.
6295 1840 Radio Pioneer. Music, just about audible. SINPO 24332.
6300 1552 Radio Verona. "Rocking Like A Hurricane," then "Bad to the Bone." SINPO 34333.
(via Kiwi SDR, Lancashire/ *Peterborough)
*1625 2310 Radio Monte Carolo. Reggae song, ID and off. SINPO 33333.
*1629 2300 Radio Twentana. Dutch songs. SINPO 33333.
*1635 2325 Radio Keizer & Keizerin (tent). Fleetwood Mac "Go Your Own Way," splash from 1646. SINPO 23432.
*1646 2250 Radio Vrolijke Mijnwerker. Oompah and Dutch music. SINPO 44444.
*1655 2255 Radio Wadloper. Sigue Sigue Sputnik. SINPO 33333.
*1655 1855 Radio Relmus. Dutch music. SINPO 34333.
5840 1615 World Music Radio. Bob Marley music, ID jingle. SINPO 44433.
6205 1603 Laser Hot Hits. Strawbs "Shine on Silver Sun," SINPO 23332.
6295 1840 Radio Pioneer. Music, just about audible. SINPO 24332.
6300 1552 Radio Verona. "Rocking Like A Hurricane," then "Bad to the Bone." SINPO 34333.
(via Kiwi SDR, Lancashire/ *Peterborough)
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Thurs Jan 25
*1642 1845 Radio Pecon. Dutch music and off. SINPO 24332.
3975 1655 Shortwave Radio. Rod Stewart "Every Picture Tells A Story," SINPO 44433.
5840 1710 World Music Radio. Reggae music. SINPO 54444.
6205 1720 Laser Hot Hits. Zager & Evans "In the Year 2525," SINPO 24332.
(via Kiwi SDR, Lancashire/ *Peterborough)
3975 1655 Shortwave Radio. Rod Stewart "Every Picture Tells A Story," SINPO 44433.
5840 1710 World Music Radio. Reggae music. SINPO 54444.
6205 1720 Laser Hot Hits. Zager & Evans "In the Year 2525," SINPO 24332.
(via Kiwi SDR, Lancashire/ *Peterborough)
Monday, January 22, 2018
Mon Jan 22
1620 1735 Sterrenboog Radio. ID, Dutch songs. SINPO 34333.
1625 2100 Radio Twentana. ID, Dutch songs. SINPO 44433.
1640 2120 Radio Veronica. "Living Next Door to Alice," splash from 1645. SINPO 33333.
1645 2112 Radio Oldtimer. ID, Dutch songs. SINPO 44433.
3975 1723 Shortwave Radio. Mark Stafford with music from 1972, playing Deep Purple "Fireball." SINPO 54444.
5840 1712 World Music Radio. Reggae. SINPO 34333.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
1625 2100 Radio Twentana. ID, Dutch songs. SINPO 44433.
1640 2120 Radio Veronica. "Living Next Door to Alice," splash from 1645. SINPO 33333.
1645 2112 Radio Oldtimer. ID, Dutch songs. SINPO 44433.
3975 1723 Shortwave Radio. Mark Stafford with music from 1972, playing Deep Purple "Fireball." SINPO 54444.
5840 1712 World Music Radio. Reggae. SINPO 34333.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Sun Jan 21
1632 2125 Radio Verona. Dutch songs. SINPO 23432.
1638 2120 Radio Bluebird. Dutch songs, ID in DT/EG. SINPO 34433.
1655 2115 Radio Wadloper. Ozzy Osbourne "No More Tears." SINPO 44444.
3940 1640 Radio 319 (tent). Police "Invisible Sun," bursts of utility. SINPO 33333.
6205 1559 Laser Hot Hits. Ian Lawrence show. Beatles "Octopus Garden," new headlines then Living in a Box "Room in Your Heart." SINPO 54444.
6310 1630 Radio Focus Int (tent). Rock music. SINPO 23332.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
1638 2120 Radio Bluebird. Dutch songs, ID in DT/EG. SINPO 34433.
1655 2115 Radio Wadloper. Ozzy Osbourne "No More Tears." SINPO 44444.
3940 1640 Radio 319 (tent). Police "Invisible Sun," bursts of utility. SINPO 33333.
6205 1559 Laser Hot Hits. Ian Lawrence show. Beatles "Octopus Garden," new headlines then Living in a Box "Room in Your Heart." SINPO 54444.
6310 1630 Radio Focus Int (tent). Rock music. SINPO 23332.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
Friday, January 19, 2018
Fri Jan 19
1620 1748 Radio Musky. Polka, talk in Dutch. SINPO 23432.
1629 1727 Mike Radio. Meat Loaf "Dead Ringer for Love," usual good signal. SINPO 44444.
1653 1757 Radio B4. Status Quo "Whatever You Want," SINPO 34333.
(via Kiwi SDR, Peterborough)
1629 1727 Mike Radio. Meat Loaf "Dead Ringer for Love," usual good signal. SINPO 44444.
1653 1757 Radio B4. Status Quo "Whatever You Want," SINPO 34333.
(via Kiwi SDR, Peterborough)
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Turning back the clock 10 years
I came across a folder containing various recordings I'd made in 2007-2008. I sorted them out a decided to share some of them with you:
Radio Galaxy (UK), 14 Oct 2007
Sligo European Radio, 7 Oct 2007
VOTN & Alfa Lima Radio, 11 May 2008
Weekend Music Radio, 12 May 2007
WNKR, 7 May 2007
Here is the link for all 36 files of stations recorded in 2007-2008. Other clips include Radio Spaceman, Britain Radio Int and Radio Telstar South
Radio Galaxy (UK), 14 Oct 2007
Sligo European Radio, 7 Oct 2007
VOTN & Alfa Lima Radio, 11 May 2008
Weekend Music Radio, 12 May 2007
WNKR, 7 May 2007
Here is the link for all 36 files of stations recorded in 2007-2008. Other clips include Radio Spaceman, Britain Radio Int and Radio Telstar South
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Wed Jan 17
1646 2130 Radio Kristal. Dutch songs. Good signal. SINPO 44444. The other signals at the top end of medium wave all seemed to belong to Greek pirates.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
Key Channel Radio prepares to celebrate 2nd birthday
Dear friends, we are ready for our first broadcast of 2018. Two years have passed, at this time our little radio has never stopped giving satisfaction. So many friends spread all over the world who have listened to us and written.
In this new episode we including to insert a novelty, a nice interview with a very special person. John Trudell, a musician, little known in Europe who has dedicated his life to defend the rights of the Native Americans and consequently to all of us, not forgetting to propose his great music. We could do not dedicate a space in our programming.
We also continue the collaboration with the good "Artem's World Music" that also in this episode will inform us about the situation of the Cuban Radio stations, with many beautiful songs.
We hope many of you will heard !
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Tues Jan 16
1620 1840 Mike Radio. Hawaii 5-O theme, then off. SINPO 44444.
1620 1930 Radio Meteoor. Dutch music. SINPO 34333.
4030 1940 Radio Alice. ID, "I Fought the Law and the Law Won," SINPO 34333.
3975 1647 Shortwaveradio.de. Led Zeppelin "Whole Lotta Love," SINPO 34333.
5840 1700 World Music Radio. Reggae. SINPO 24332.
6265 1620 Radio Mexico. Polka & schlager, fair peaks. SINPO 24332.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
1620 1930 Radio Meteoor. Dutch music. SINPO 34333.
4030 1940 Radio Alice. ID, "I Fought the Law and the Law Won," SINPO 34333.
3975 1647 Shortwaveradio.de. Led Zeppelin "Whole Lotta Love," SINPO 34333.
5840 1700 World Music Radio. Reggae. SINPO 24332.
6265 1620 Radio Mexico. Polka & schlager, fair peaks. SINPO 24332.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
Monday, January 15, 2018
Mon Jan 15
1625 1758 Radio Pandora. Dutch music. SINPO 34333.
5840 1715 World Music Radio. Carly Simon "Why", jingles. SINPO 34333.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
5840 1715 World Music Radio. Carly Simon "Why", jingles. SINPO 34333.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
Stove Farmer & Ghoul eQSLs
Radio Stove Farmer (Kachel Boer) sent me an eQSL and photo of some typically Dutch items. This was actually for reception on January 1 on 6264 kHz. He also tested later on 4030 kHz. He plans more tests and has a new QSL coming.
Reception of The Ghoul and Bogusman hasn't been great this weekend with the signal skipping over me. But I did get this new eQSL from the Ghoul's QSL helper. Many thanks.
Sunday, January 14, 2018
Sun Jan 14
6205 0955 Laser Hot Hits. M "Pop Music," then Toto Coelo "I Eat Cannibals." SINPO 54444.
6210 0935. Radio King Shortwave & Radio Waves Int both battling to be heard on same frequency, plus splash from Laser. Just a mess.
6242 1203 VOTN. Michael Jackson "Beat It," SINPO 44433.
6255 1158 Radio Panda. Duran Duran "Ordinary World," SINPO 44433.
6258 1505 Radio Joey. David Bowie "Gene Genie," then Scooter. SINPO 54444.
6265 1146 Radio Mexico. Polka. SINPO 34333.
6280 1235 Radio Road Pirate. The Verve "Bitter Sweet Symphony." SINPO 44433.
6290 1130 Radio Batavia. Rod Stewart "Do You Think I'm Sexy," SINPO 54444.
6298 0925 NMD Radio. Greetings, ID, OMD. SINPO 44433.
6301 1140 Radio Northpole. Dance music. SINPO 34333.
6305 1207 Radio Merlin Int. Finally faded in. Blues music but faded out again. SINPO 44433.
6316 1457 Radio OZNRH. Easy listening music. SINPO 23332.
6375 1215 The Ghoul. Signal briefly faded up before disappearing into the noise!
6450 1221 Radio Readymix. Heavy rock. SINPO 44433.
(via Barneys web SDR)
6210 0935. Radio King Shortwave & Radio Waves Int both battling to be heard on same frequency, plus splash from Laser. Just a mess.
6242 1203 VOTN. Michael Jackson "Beat It," SINPO 44433.
6255 1158 Radio Panda. Duran Duran "Ordinary World," SINPO 44433.
6258 1505 Radio Joey. David Bowie "Gene Genie," then Scooter. SINPO 54444.
6265 1146 Radio Mexico. Polka. SINPO 34333.
6280 1235 Radio Road Pirate. The Verve "Bitter Sweet Symphony." SINPO 44433.
6290 1130 Radio Batavia. Rod Stewart "Do You Think I'm Sexy," SINPO 54444.
6298 0925 NMD Radio. Greetings, ID, OMD. SINPO 44433.
6301 1140 Radio Northpole. Dance music. SINPO 34333.
6305 1207 Radio Merlin Int. Finally faded in. Blues music but faded out again. SINPO 44433.
6316 1457 Radio OZNRH. Easy listening music. SINPO 23332.
6375 1215 The Ghoul. Signal briefly faded up before disappearing into the noise!
6450 1221 Radio Readymix. Heavy rock. SINPO 44433.
(via Barneys web SDR)
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Sat Jan 13
*1611 2140 Radio Eldorado. Dutch music. SINPO 33333.
*1625 2103 Radio Twentana. Polka. SINPO 33333.
*1632 2219 Radio B4. Instrumental music, talk in Dutch. SINPO 34333.
*1648 2110 Radio Moby Dick. Dutch songs. SINPO 34333.
*1655 2114 Radio Witte Raaf. "Baby Come Back," then "Barracuda." SINPO 44433.
3900 2202 Technical Man. Hollies "Air That I Breathe," Nick Straker Band "Walk in the Park." SINPO 55444.
3936 2212 Radio Dr Tim. Jingles, schlager. SINPO 24332.
3940 1601 Unid. Offshore radio documentary. SINPO 34333.
4865L 1237 Voice of the Netherlands. Dance music. SINPO 34433.
5820 1258 Radio 319 (pres). Rebroadcast of Dutch station, playing Dutch version of "Sound of Silence." SINPO 34333.
5840 1505 World Music Radio. ID jingle, reggae. SINPO 33433.
6230 1625 Radio Digital. "Born to Be Wild," ID and off. SINPO 33333.
6265 1612 Radio Witte Reus. Bob Dylan "Times They are Changing," interference from carrier on 6264. SINPO 43433. Moved to 6268 at 1619 - SINPO 44433.
6285 1540 Radio Road Pirate. Rock, greetings to BA, Dutch music and off. SINPO 44433.
6295 1545 Radio Dolfijn. The Police, then Nazareth "Love Hurts," SINPO 44433. Moved to 6292 at 1605 - still SINPO 44433.
6316 1440 Radio OZNRH. Mellow jazz, ID at 1500. SINPO 23332.
6375 1249 The Ghoul. Slade "Far Far Away," then Kirsty McColl "Free World," some utility QRM. SINPO 33333.
6940 1242 Premier Radio Int. ID, Lisa Stansfield song. SINPO 34433.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England/ *Peterborough)
*1625 2103 Radio Twentana. Polka. SINPO 33333.
*1632 2219 Radio B4. Instrumental music, talk in Dutch. SINPO 34333.
*1648 2110 Radio Moby Dick. Dutch songs. SINPO 34333.
*1655 2114 Radio Witte Raaf. "Baby Come Back," then "Barracuda." SINPO 44433.
3900 2202 Technical Man. Hollies "Air That I Breathe," Nick Straker Band "Walk in the Park." SINPO 55444.
3936 2212 Radio Dr Tim. Jingles, schlager. SINPO 24332.
3940 1601 Unid. Offshore radio documentary. SINPO 34333.
4865L 1237 Voice of the Netherlands. Dance music. SINPO 34433.
5820 1258 Radio 319 (pres). Rebroadcast of Dutch station, playing Dutch version of "Sound of Silence." SINPO 34333.
5840 1505 World Music Radio. ID jingle, reggae. SINPO 33433.
6230 1625 Radio Digital. "Born to Be Wild," ID and off. SINPO 33333.
6265 1612 Radio Witte Reus. Bob Dylan "Times They are Changing," interference from carrier on 6264. SINPO 43433. Moved to 6268 at 1619 - SINPO 44433.
6285 1540 Radio Road Pirate. Rock, greetings to BA, Dutch music and off. SINPO 44433.
6295 1545 Radio Dolfijn. The Police, then Nazareth "Love Hurts," SINPO 44433. Moved to 6292 at 1605 - still SINPO 44433.
6316 1440 Radio OZNRH. Mellow jazz, ID at 1500. SINPO 23332.
6375 1249 The Ghoul. Slade "Far Far Away," then Kirsty McColl "Free World," some utility QRM. SINPO 33333.
6940 1242 Premier Radio Int. ID, Lisa Stansfield song. SINPO 34433.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England/ *Peterborough)
Friday, January 12, 2018
Fri Jan 12
3921 1555 Shortwave Pirate. Tribute programme for singer France Gall, recorded IDs. SINPO 34333.
3975 1640 Shortwaveradio.de. Mark Stafford's Flashback Show. Police "Every Little Thing." SINPO 34333.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
3975 1640 Shortwaveradio.de. Mark Stafford's Flashback Show. Police "Every Little Thing." SINPO 34333.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Thurs Jan 11
1624 2150 Radio B4. Shocking Blue, greetings to Karl. SINPO 33333.
1638 2108 Radio Bluebird. Instrumental music. SINPO 34333.
1655 2115 Radio Meteoor. Polka. ID at 2148 and off. SINPO 44433.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
1638 2108 Radio Bluebird. Instrumental music. SINPO 34333.
1655 2115 Radio Meteoor. Polka. ID at 2148 and off. SINPO 44433.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
Radio Atlantic 2000 to broadcast via WINB, USA
Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Sunday 14th of January, with a special broadcast transmitted from Red Lion in the USA, via WINB.
We will be on the air from 21:00 to 22:00 UTC on 9265 kHz with a power of 50 kW.
Our webstream will be active at the same time: http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr
Reports to: atlantic2000international@gmail.com
Good listening!
We will be on the air from 21:00 to 22:00 UTC on 9265 kHz with a power of 50 kW.
Our webstream will be active at the same time: http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr
Reports to: atlantic2000international@gmail.com
Good listening!
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Wed Jan 10
*1616 2022 Radio Malibu. Polka, then off. SINPO 24432.
*1629 2020 Radio Nachtzwerver. Bee Gees "Tragedy," ID at 2116. SINPO 34333.
*1655 2025 Radio Wadloper. Sigue Sigue Sputnik. Strong peaks. SINPO 44444.
*1690 2015 Radio Digital. Boomtown Rats "I Don't Like Mondays." Strong peaks. SINPO 44433. Heard on 1665 at 2058 - SINPO 44444.
3975 1630 Shortwaveradio.de. Pink Floyd "Arnold Layne," SINPO 34333.
4895 1619 Dance Wave Shortwave. Dance music. SINPO 23332.
5840 1602 World Music Radio. Reggae, ID. SINPO 34333.
6205 1558 Laser Hot Hits. Dire Straits "So Far Away From You," signal fading out. SINPO 34333.
6260 1553 Misti Radio. 10CC "Rubber Bullets," signal faded out during song. SINPO 24332.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England/ *Peterborough)
*1629 2020 Radio Nachtzwerver. Bee Gees "Tragedy," ID at 2116. SINPO 34333.
*1655 2025 Radio Wadloper. Sigue Sigue Sputnik. Strong peaks. SINPO 44444.
*1690 2015 Radio Digital. Boomtown Rats "I Don't Like Mondays." Strong peaks. SINPO 44433. Heard on 1665 at 2058 - SINPO 44444.
3975 1630 Shortwaveradio.de. Pink Floyd "Arnold Layne," SINPO 34333.
4895 1619 Dance Wave Shortwave. Dance music. SINPO 23332.
5840 1602 World Music Radio. Reggae, ID. SINPO 34333.
6205 1558 Laser Hot Hits. Dire Straits "So Far Away From You," signal fading out. SINPO 34333.
6260 1553 Misti Radio. 10CC "Rubber Bullets," signal faded out during song. SINPO 24332.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England/ *Peterborough)
Tuesday, January 09, 2018
Tues Jan 9
1630 2033 Radio Marianne. Dutch songs. SINPO 44433.
1655 2025 Radio Wadloper. "I Can't Stand the Rain," then Stranglers "Skin Deep." Strong peaks. SINPO 44444.
3940 2040 Radio Mi Amigo Int. Go Gos "Our Lips Are Sealed," possibly relay of the station. SINPO 24332.
3975 1700 Shortwaveradio.de. News headlines, then Stafford's World playing Linda Lewis. SINPO 44444.
5840 1641 World Music Radio. ID, reggae, splash from 5845. SINPO 33333.
*6290 1745 Radio Digital. "Born to be Wild," then "Wild Thing," ID 1753. SINPO 34333.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England/ *Barneys web SDR)
1655 2025 Radio Wadloper. "I Can't Stand the Rain," then Stranglers "Skin Deep." Strong peaks. SINPO 44444.
3940 2040 Radio Mi Amigo Int. Go Gos "Our Lips Are Sealed," possibly relay of the station. SINPO 24332.
3975 1700 Shortwaveradio.de. News headlines, then Stafford's World playing Linda Lewis. SINPO 44444.
5840 1641 World Music Radio. ID, reggae, splash from 5845. SINPO 33333.
*6290 1745 Radio Digital. "Born to be Wild," then "Wild Thing," ID 1753. SINPO 34333.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England/ *Barneys web SDR)
Shortwave free radio recordings
Studio 52 & Hitmix Radio
Twilight Radio (via Radio Merlin)
Italian Broadcasting Corporation
Radio Laguna
Twilight Radio (via Radio Merlin)
Italian Broadcasting Corporation
Radio Laguna
Sunday, January 07, 2018
Sun Jan 7
3915 1647 Radio Underground. "Summer Wine," ID. SINPO 23332.
5825 1000 Radio 319 (pres). Stevie Wonder song. SINPO 35443.
5830 1255 Free Radio Victoria. Abba "Fernando," then "Free Electric Band." SINPO 44433.
5840 0953 World Music Radio. Reggae, jingles. Return of station, broadcasting from Denmark. SINPO 34433.
6205 1027 Laser Hot Hits. Three Degrees "Take Good Care of Yourself." SINPO 54444.
6210 0930 Radio King Shortwave. Oldies, splash 6205. SINPO 33333.
6215 1310 Radio Ronalisa. Polka, ID, greetings. SINPO 24332.
6240 1045 Radio Casanova. Dutch music. SINPO 54444.
6265 1020 Radio Dolfijn. Abba "Bird in the Sky." SINPO 34333.
6280 1033 Radio Road Pirate. Dance music, ID, testing equipment, utility splash. SINPO 33333.
6287 1050 Radio Altrex. Move from 6295. French song. SINPO 34333.
6295 1008 Radio Altrex. Abba "I Have a Dream," cow sounds. SINPO 34333.
6307 1318 Radio Goofy. European pop. SINPO 24332.
6375 1340 Bogusman. Faded in now. Playing Jesus & Mary Chain, chat. SINPO 34333.
6380 0935 Unid. Recordings of 80s Irish pirate Radio Rainbow. SINPO 34333.
6873 0940 Radio Europe. Mellow music. SINPO 33333.
6950 0947 Enterprise Radio. Easy listening music. SINPO 44433.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
5825 1000 Radio 319 (pres). Stevie Wonder song. SINPO 35443.
5830 1255 Free Radio Victoria. Abba "Fernando," then "Free Electric Band." SINPO 44433.
5840 0953 World Music Radio. Reggae, jingles. Return of station, broadcasting from Denmark. SINPO 34433.
6205 1027 Laser Hot Hits. Three Degrees "Take Good Care of Yourself." SINPO 54444.
6210 0930 Radio King Shortwave. Oldies, splash 6205. SINPO 33333.
6215 1310 Radio Ronalisa. Polka, ID, greetings. SINPO 24332.
6240 1045 Radio Casanova. Dutch music. SINPO 54444.
6265 1020 Radio Dolfijn. Abba "Bird in the Sky." SINPO 34333.
6280 1033 Radio Road Pirate. Dance music, ID, testing equipment, utility splash. SINPO 33333.
6287 1050 Radio Altrex. Move from 6295. French song. SINPO 34333.
6295 1008 Radio Altrex. Abba "I Have a Dream," cow sounds. SINPO 34333.
6307 1318 Radio Goofy. European pop. SINPO 24332.
6375 1340 Bogusman. Faded in now. Playing Jesus & Mary Chain, chat. SINPO 34333.
6380 0935 Unid. Recordings of 80s Irish pirate Radio Rainbow. SINPO 34333.
6873 0940 Radio Europe. Mellow music. SINPO 33333.
6950 0947 Enterprise Radio. Easy listening music. SINPO 44433.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
Saturday, January 06, 2018
Sat Jan 6
1611 2255 Radio Twentana. Dutch songs. SINPO 33333.
1615 2313 Radio Bluebird. Dutch instrumental music, greeting Panda. SINPO 33333.
1621 2245 Radio Turftrekker. Dutch songs, good peaks. SINPO 33333.
1626 2250 Radio Uniek. ID, "Let Me Go Home," SINPO 33333.
1637 2318 Radio Digital. Instrumental music. SINPO 34333.
1655 2308 Radio Dinkelland. ID, Dutch music. SINPO 44333.
5820 1420 Radio 319. Radio Caroline programme. SINPO 34333.
6205 1045 Laser Hot Hits. Paul Stuart celebrating Centre Radio, playing Frankie Goes to Hollywood "Relax," SINPO 44444.
6245 1408 Radio Casanova. IDs, contact details, Dutch music. SINPO 44433.
6260 1413 Radio Digital. Bonnie Tyler "It's A Heartache." SINPO 44444.
6285 1025 Radio Dolfijn. "Koto," off 1028. SINPO 34333.
6285 1345 Radio Python. Alternative music. SINPO 55544.
6294 1028 Radio Altrex. "Real Good Feeling," ID, greetings. SINPO 34333.
6300 1035 Radio Merlin Int. Dave Lee with music from Simon & Garfunkel, Trace. SINPO 34333.
6300 1445 Radio Relmus.Rock n roll. SINPO 34333.
6307 1400 Radio Goofy. Phil Collins "Another Day in Paradise." SINPO 24332.
6316 1355 Radio Ramona. Rock music. SINPO 23432.
6335 1350 Delta Radio. Focus "Hocus Pocus." SINPO 34333.
6950 1427 Enterprise Radio. Mellow jazz. SINPO 34333.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
1615 2313 Radio Bluebird. Dutch instrumental music, greeting Panda. SINPO 33333.
1621 2245 Radio Turftrekker. Dutch songs, good peaks. SINPO 33333.
1626 2250 Radio Uniek. ID, "Let Me Go Home," SINPO 33333.
1637 2318 Radio Digital. Instrumental music. SINPO 34333.
1655 2308 Radio Dinkelland. ID, Dutch music. SINPO 44333.
5820 1420 Radio 319. Radio Caroline programme. SINPO 34333.
6205 1045 Laser Hot Hits. Paul Stuart celebrating Centre Radio, playing Frankie Goes to Hollywood "Relax," SINPO 44444.
6245 1408 Radio Casanova. IDs, contact details, Dutch music. SINPO 44433.
6260 1413 Radio Digital. Bonnie Tyler "It's A Heartache." SINPO 44444.
6285 1025 Radio Dolfijn. "Koto," off 1028. SINPO 34333.
6285 1345 Radio Python. Alternative music. SINPO 55544.
6294 1028 Radio Altrex. "Real Good Feeling," ID, greetings. SINPO 34333.
6300 1035 Radio Merlin Int. Dave Lee with music from Simon & Garfunkel, Trace. SINPO 34333.
6300 1445 Radio Relmus.Rock n roll. SINPO 34333.
6307 1400 Radio Goofy. Phil Collins "Another Day in Paradise." SINPO 24332.
6316 1355 Radio Ramona. Rock music. SINPO 23432.
6335 1350 Delta Radio. Focus "Hocus Pocus." SINPO 34333.
6950 1427 Enterprise Radio. Mellow jazz. SINPO 34333.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
Thursday, January 04, 2018
Thurs Jan 4
1611 2010 Radio Batavia. Greetings, giving out contact details, "Summer Holiday," splash 1602. SINPO 33433.
1620 2007 Radio Malibu. Polka, ID, off. SINPO 33333.
1621 2015 Radio Turftrekker. "Dragon Slayer," report in DT to Malibu, Dutch song. SINPO 44433.
3975 1721 Shortwaveradio.de. Stafford's World show. Easybeats "Friday on my Mind," Fats Domino "Blueberry Hill." SINPO 45444.
7720U 1712 Marconi Radio Int. The Clash "London Calling," David Bowie "Ashes to Ashes." SINPO 25332.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
1620 2007 Radio Malibu. Polka, ID, off. SINPO 33333.
1621 2015 Radio Turftrekker. "Dragon Slayer," report in DT to Malibu, Dutch song. SINPO 44433.
3975 1721 Shortwaveradio.de. Stafford's World show. Easybeats "Friday on my Mind," Fats Domino "Blueberry Hill." SINPO 45444.
7720U 1712 Marconi Radio Int. The Clash "London Calling," David Bowie "Ashes to Ashes." SINPO 25332.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
Marconi Radio Int celebrates its 32nd birthday
Marconi Radio International went for the first time on air on 4th January 1986 and to celebrate this event has planned a special 32nd anniversary broadcast, which consists of some vintage shows.
We'll be on the air today, 4 January 2018 as follows: 13.00 to 15.00 UTC and 16.00 to 18.00 UTC on 7720 kHz (USB Mode).
This special broadcast offers the opportunity to receive our QSL card. All you have to do is to send a correct reception report with attached an audio file of our broadcast.
Only today, our printed QSL card will be sent to anyone except for those who have already received one.
Be advised that reports about the reception of MRI via websdr receivers, or not accompanied by an audio file, will instead be verified only with e-QSL.
Our e-mail address is: marconiradiointernational@gmail.com and please don’t forget to include your postal address!
Marconi Radio International went for the first time on air on 4th January 1986 and to celebrate this event has planned a special 32nd anniversary broadcast, which consists of some vintage shows.
We'll be on the air today, 4 January 2018 as follows: 13.00 to 15.00 UTC and 16.00 to 18.00 UTC on 7720 kHz (USB Mode).
This special broadcast offers the opportunity to receive our QSL card. All you have to do is to send a correct reception report with attached an audio file of our broadcast.
Only today, our printed QSL card will be sent to anyone except for those who have already received one.
Be advised that reports about the reception of MRI via websdr receivers, or not accompanied by an audio file, will instead be verified only with e-QSL.
Our e-mail address is: marconiradiointernational@gmail.com and please don’t forget to include your postal address!
Wednesday, January 03, 2018
Wed Jan 3
1629 1700 Radio Noordzee. Dutch music, ID, talk in Dutch. SINPO 34333.
1758 1758 Zender Moscow. Dutch music, ID and off. SINPO 43433.
6205 1645 Laser Hot Hits. Mister Mister "Broken Wings," Joyce Sims "Come Into My Life." SINPO 34333.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
1758 1758 Zender Moscow. Dutch music, ID and off. SINPO 43433.
6205 1645 Laser Hot Hits. Mister Mister "Broken Wings," Joyce Sims "Come Into My Life." SINPO 34333.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
Tuesday, January 02, 2018
Tues Jan 2
3975 1712 Shortwaveradio.de. Tom Petty "Runnin' Down A Dream," then Travelling Wilburys. SINPO 44433.
5820 1535 Radio 319 (pres). Dutch radio programme, fadedout before could get ID. SINPO 34333.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
5820 1535 Radio 319 (pres). Dutch radio programme, fadedout before could get ID. SINPO 34333.
(via Kiwi SDR, SW England)
Monday, January 01, 2018
Mon Jan 1
Happy New Year, everyone!
*1640 Radio Veronica. Dutch music, splash from unid Dutch station on 1645. SINPO 33333.
*4030 1645 Radio Stove Farmer. Move from 6264. Dutch instrumental music then "Grocer Jack." SINPO 45444.
*4030 1620 Radio Zeewolf. Dutch music, ID, greetings, off. SINPO 44433.
5825 1030 Radio 319. Instrumental music. SINPO 34333.
6205 1018 Laser Hot Hits. Fleetwood Mac, then Snap "Rhythm is a Dancer." SINPO 44433.
6210 0942 Radio King Shortwave. ID jingle, oldies. SINPO 34333.
6235 1012 Coast FM via relay. Current pop music. SINPO 54444.
*6255 1505 Radio Waves Int. Country music. SINPO 33333.
6260 0938 Radio Casanova. ID, greetings "Needles & Pins." SINPO 44433.
*6264 1528 Radio Stove Farmer. "Bus Stop," "House of the Rising Sun," SINPO 55444.
6305 0933 Radio Merlin Int. Abba "Dancing Queen." SINPO 34333.
*6320 1513 The Ghoul. Janis Joplin "Mercedes Benz," SINPO 24332.
6325 0949 Premier Radio Int. Back on the air. Christopher Cross "Arthur's Song," Bad Company "Feel Like Making Love," SINPO 34333.
6850 1000 Radio Freedom. Instrumental music. SINPO 25332.
(via Barneys web SDR/ *SW England SDR)
*1640 Radio Veronica. Dutch music, splash from unid Dutch station on 1645. SINPO 33333.
*4030 1645 Radio Stove Farmer. Move from 6264. Dutch instrumental music then "Grocer Jack." SINPO 45444.
*4030 1620 Radio Zeewolf. Dutch music, ID, greetings, off. SINPO 44433.
5825 1030 Radio 319. Instrumental music. SINPO 34333.
6205 1018 Laser Hot Hits. Fleetwood Mac, then Snap "Rhythm is a Dancer." SINPO 44433.
6210 0942 Radio King Shortwave. ID jingle, oldies. SINPO 34333.
6235 1012 Coast FM via relay. Current pop music. SINPO 54444.
*6255 1505 Radio Waves Int. Country music. SINPO 33333.
6260 0938 Radio Casanova. ID, greetings "Needles & Pins." SINPO 44433.
*6264 1528 Radio Stove Farmer. "Bus Stop," "House of the Rising Sun," SINPO 55444.
6305 0933 Radio Merlin Int. Abba "Dancing Queen." SINPO 34333.
*6320 1513 The Ghoul. Janis Joplin "Mercedes Benz," SINPO 24332.
6325 0949 Premier Radio Int. Back on the air. Christopher Cross "Arthur's Song," Bad Company "Feel Like Making Love," SINPO 34333.
6850 1000 Radio Freedom. Instrumental music. SINPO 25332.
(via Barneys web SDR/ *SW England SDR)
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