Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Wed Apr 30
6275: Radio Calypso with a great signal, peaking at S9+10dB. Heard @ 0840 playing Kim Wilde. SINPO 44444.
(updated 20:35UTC)
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Tue Apr 29
6310: Unid station with 60s music @ 1830. Off at 1835 with no announcements. SINPO 34433.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Mon Apr 28
6925u: Spider Radio with a fair signal tonight. Heard @ 2035 playing a Midnight Oil song, followed by "All the Young Dudes," then the usual canned Spider Radio ID by a woman. Signal around S6. SINPO 34333.
Caroline on shortwave

I spent three hours writing replies and forwarded the reports to Raimonds in Latvia. Some people sent recordings on cassette or mini CD disc. I have 10 dollar bills and 8 IRCs. Raimonds gifted us the airtime so we will probably break even and of course the geographical spread of the signal was interesting but aside from state broadcasters shortwave really is just a novelty.
Radio Caroline may have a further dabble to see if listeners would come to a permanent shortwave music channel but mostly this is a project we are trying to complete out of respect for our departed colleague Rob Leighton. It has to be considered of course that only among a small anorak clique did anyone know about this broadcast; the reports were from people who discovered the signal and only had a three hour window to do so.
One could assume a better response if the signal was on full time. Rob Leighton loved shortwave and had built, at the time of his death, an almost complete and very efficient transmitter with a final output of 1 kW.
We had a loose arrangement that Raimonds in Latvia would link it in to the big aerial for 9290 and run a regular Caroline service. In his memory we will do our best to finalise that. Of course it will not be a mighty 100 kW but it will be an affordable project.
(Peter Moore, Caroline station manager, Pirate/Free Radio message board, via May World DX Club Contact via DX Listening Digest)
North American logs
6925u WAIR. 2258-2329UTC. Sat 26 Apr. English. Music by Arlo Guthrie, Tom Tom Club, The Amphibians and others. Several IDs as “You’re listening to WAIR - All Indie (or India) Radio.” Either would fit the bx. Gave defunct maildrop add of POB 69, Elkhorn, NE 68022, USA. Poor.
6925u Moonshine Radio. 2347-0004UTC. 26/27 Apr. English. Very nice music from the 80s and 90s. YL announcer, Moonshine, and OM announcer, Lawnmower, with a parody of two pirate ops with similar names. Nice show. S5/F-G.
6925 UNID, 0110-0125+. Sun 27 Apr. English. Unid pirate playing “Roots” and “Americana” music including “Ain’t No Bugs on Me,”and “Erie Canal.” Lost in static at 0125. Poor.
6925 WMPR (t). 0144. 27 Apr. Pirate playing techno music generally associated with WMPR, but no ID heard. Fair.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Sun Apr 27
6140: Radio Gloria via Wertchatal @ 1200 with a one hour show in German and English, with rock and pop. S9+20dB signal. SINPO 54444.
6215: Radio King Shortwave playing Bryan Adams "Summer of 69"@ 0845. SINPO 24432.
6220: Radio Marabu via Mystery Radio @ 0800 with pop and rock. SINPO 34433.
6220: Mystery Radio with 80s pop and jingles @ 1715. SINPO 34433.
6265: Radio Altrex with IDs and playing oldies @ 0750. SINPO 34433.
6268: Radio Altrex moved from 6265. Heard @ 0850 playing 60s music. Fair but fading signal. SINPO 34433.
6275: Radio Calypso with schlager and pop @ 0755. Good signal. SINPO 44433.
6312: Radio Barretina relaying Radio L'Arboc @ 1945 playing some easy listening music. Signal coming in well. SINPO 34333.
6524: Radio Ramona @ 0945 with a weak signal playing "Mississippi" but it is improving from earlier when I could hear nothing at all! Fair peaks. SINPO 23332.
6882: Radio Playback Int with a live programme @ 1625 playing a variety of music - jazz, soul, oldies. Easy listening for a Sunday afternoon. SINPO 34433.
(updated 19:50UTC)
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Sat Apr 26
3910: Radio Pandora heard @ 1830 with oldies, Steve St John giving contact details then playing some archive radio recordings. Fair signal. SINPO 34333.
3935: Laser Hot Hits with offshore radio recordings @ 1810. SINPO 34333.
6215: Radio King Shortwave playing rock music @ 0840. Fair signal but some utility QRM. SINPO 33333.
6265: Radio Altrex @ 0800 with 60s music followed by ID. SINPO 34333.
6273: Radio Calypso with a good signal. ID @ 1625, playing rock and pop. SINPO 44444.
6275: Unid station playing schlager and oldies. Heard @ 1550 with the Beatles. Lot of fading on signal. Fair peaks. SINPO 243332.
6306: Radio Alice with instrumental music and Dutch pop @ 1540. Fair-good signal. SINPO 34333.
6312: Radio Barretina relaying Radio L'Arboc with a dance music programme @ 2005. Quite a good signal. SINPO 34333.
6882: Radio Playback Int heard @ 1658 with live programme, playing "Keep on Running," followed by chimes on the hour. Signal beginning to come in well now - climbed up to S9 in the last few minutes. SINPO 44433.
9290: Radio Casablanca via Latvia @ 1155 playing German pop and giving out station address in German. Off at 1200. SINPO 45444.
(updated 20:25UTC)
Friday, April 25, 2008
Fri Apr 25

3935: Laser Hot Hits with Steve Roberts @ 2045 with a listener's sponsored show. SINPO 34333.
4032: Laser Hot Hits @ 2050 underneath strong carrier. Maybe another frequency change will be needed. SINPO 32432.
6210u: Voice of the Netherlands testing in usb. Good signal but audio sounds a bit tinny in single side band. Heard @ 1350 with ID and Dire Straits track. SINPO 44433.
6882: Radio Playback Int with pop, rock and jingle IDs @ 2055. Some SSB QRM. SINPO 43333.
(updated 23:05UTC)
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Thurs Apr 24
4032: Laser Hot Hits not doing so well on this freqency @ 1820. Only barely audible with utility QRM. SINPO 23432.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Wed Apr 23
4032: Laser Hot Hits with Radio Caroline recordings @ 1825. SINPO 43333.
6882: Radio Playback Int @ 1835 with a live programme, playing dance music. Fair signal but quite noisy on the band tonight. SINPO 34333.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Tues Apr 22
4032: Laser Hot Hits playing the Beatles @ 2050 but it sounds like the station is underneath a strong carrier - possibly a utility station. SINPO 32432.
6925u: Spider Radio (tent) heard @ 2055. Weak pop music heard with occasional peaks. SINPO 24332.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Mon Apr 21
4032: Laser Hot Hits with oldies @ 2045. Good signal, just over S9. SINPO 44444.
Greek pirate harmonic
(Alexander [Koutomanis?], Netherlands, April 19, harmonics yg via DX Listening Digest)
North American log
6925U Sycko Radio. 0049-0109UTC. Apr 20. Sycko and Uncle Bob with mx by Robert Plant, Kiss, and others. Several IDs. Most of the mx was unreadable as were Uncle Bob’s comments. Sycko was coming in better. P-F.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Sun Apr 20
4032: Laser Hot Hits with Jolly Roger playing a song by the Beatles @ 1750. SINPO 44433.
5815: Orion Radio heard @ 0815 playing some instrumental music, brief ID before going off. SINPO 44433.
6140: European Music Radio via Wertchatal celebrating its 32nd birthday. Heard @ 1235 playing Focus "Hocus Pocus." SINPO 44444.
6205: Radio Borderhunter giving out contact details and asking for reports @ 0950. Good signal but some fading. SINPO 44433.
6215: Radio King Shortwave (tent) playing Coldplay @ 0900. The IDs always seem a lot quieter than the music which makes it a tricky station to get a clear ID off, as the signal is usually quite weak as well. SINPO 24332.
6220: Mystery Radio with pops and jingle ID @ 0755. SINPO 34333.
6265: Premier Radio Int playing the KLF @ 0810. SINPO 34333.
6275: Radio Calypso with Dutch pop @ 0800. Good signal. SINPO 44433.
6282: Radio Scotland Int playing Simple Minds @ 0940, and testing the modulation. Sounds good here. SINPO 44444.
6300: Unid station @ 1030 with non-stop rock and pop. SINPO 34333.
6305: Radio Shadowman playing polka and dance music @ 0915. Strong signal but another station underneath. SINPO 43443.
6307: Radio Royal with schlager followed by IDs in Dutch and English @ 1755. SINPO 34333.
6310: Radio Condor playing dance music @ 1005. Fair signal but bursts of ute qrm. SINPO 33333.

6312: Radio Barretina relaying Radio L'Arboc @ 1805, playing 60s music. Some utility QRM. SINPO 33333.
6524: Radio Ramona with oldies @ 0935. Weak signal. SINPO 24332.
6925u: Spider Radio @ 1815 playing "All the Young Dudes." Fair signal (S5-6) but occasional utility and SSB QRM. SINPO 33333.
(updated 18:15UTC)
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Sat Apr 19
3927: Radio Borderhunter with a good signal @ 2150, greeting listeners and talking about the Summer Meeting. SINPO 44444.
3935: Radio Rainbow heard @ 2010 with oldies and IDs, followed by the theme from Black Beauty. SINPO 34333.
4032: Laser Hot Hits with Martin Scott playing r&b @ 1545. SINPO 34433.
6215: Radio King Shortwave (tent) with oldies @ 0855. Weak signal. SINPO 243
6220: Mystery Radio with pop @ 2215. Fair signal. SINPO 34433.
6270: Radio Altrex with country music, some utility QRM @ 0805. Weak-fair signal. SINPO 23432.
6270: Radio Altrex heard @ 1520 playing the Doors "Riders on the Storm." Still not much improvement on this morning. SINPO 24332.
6275: Radio Calypso playing schlager @ 2015. Very strong signal - S9+20dB. SINPO 54444.
6280: Orion Radio with instrumental music @ 0800. Fair-good signal. SINPO 34433.
6305: Radio Lowland with pop music and asking for reports @ 1635. Good signal. SINPO 44433.
6312: Radio Barretina relaying Radio L'Arboc @ 1800 with non-stop music, time pips on the hour. Same as internet feed. SINPO 34333.
6925u: Spider Radio playing The Beatles "Long and Winding Road" @ 2005. SINPO 24332.
9290: Radio City via Latvia signing on @ 0900 and playing 60s music. SINPO 45444.
(updated 22:15UTC)
Friday, April 18, 2008
Fri Apr 18
4032: Laser Hot Hits with Martin Scott playing old and new music @ 1815. Good signal. SINPO 44433.
EMR's 32nd birthday

On Sunday 20 April at 1200utc:
On 6140 khz (Wertchatal, Germany) at 1200 to 1300utc with Tom Taylor
Continues at 1300 utc:
On 9290 khz (Ulbroka, Latvia) at 1300 to 1500 utc:
Mike Taylor between 1300 to 1430 (Mail Box) and Paul Graham between 1430 to 1500 utc (oldies)
All programmes will be available at the following website: just click on EMR internet radio ! Internet programme times will follow.
Good Listening
From all the staff at EMR
Also this weekend, you can hear Radio City tomorrow (Sat Apr 19) on 9290 from 09-1000UTC.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Thurs Apr 17
4032: Laser Hot Hits heard @ 1735 playing a French song and reading reception reports. SINPO 44433.
6307: Delta Radio heard @ 1825 playing the Rolling Stones, followed by jingles. SINPO 34433.
6325: Radio Skywire heard @ 1750 playing "Rivers of Babylon," ID and email address. Good signal, some CW QRM. SINPO 44433.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Wed Apr 16
3935: Laser Hot Hits with offshore recordings @ 1830. Slightly better signal than yesterday. SINPO 34333.
4032: Laser Hot Hits with the A-Z of Classic Pop now reached the letter H and playing Human League @ 1840. Strong signal - S9+10dB. Some fading and utility QRM. SINPO 44433.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Tues Apr 15
4032: Laser Hot Hits with Martin Scott @ 1830. Some utility QRM but good signal peaking at S9+10dB. SINPO 43433.
Both Dave Martin and Andy Walker from WNKR wrote confirming my report hearing them on April 12 via a North American relay on 6925u. You can hear them via the internet. Go to: Relay came from a station in Canada called Maple Leaf Radio.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Mon Apr 14
4032: Laser Hot Hits with Radio Caroline recordings @ 2050. Good signal. SINPO 44433.
6312: Radio Barretina with pop and rap music @ 2100. Time pips on the hour. Fair signal but some fading. SINPO 34333.
North American logs
6925 Radio Metallica Worldwide. 2235-2250*. Sun 13 Apr. English. Relay of the famous pirate. Thx to Mark T. for help with this one. It sounded like somebody was looping bits of RMWW and Dr. Tornado. Themes from “The Flintstones” and “Green Acres.” “Secret Agent Man” playing in background. Ments of Blue Ridge Summit, ID as “This is Radio Metallica Worldwide, 69-55 (sic) shortwave” and off with “Take care.” f-p
6925 Radio Cobain. 2250. Sun 13 Apr. English. ID, Thrash metal and Nirvana mx. Poor.
6925u UNID. 0016-0025*. Mon 14 Apr. English. Music included: “There Goes Another Love song,” “Things go Better with Rock,” and “We Will Rock You.” Heard two partial IDs as “ International Shortwave,” but couldn’t catch the first word. Poor.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Sun Apr 13
4032: Laser Hot Hits back on the air. Steve Roberts heard @ 1820 with a good signal - peaking at S9+10dB. Some utility and SSB QRM but signal strong enough to ride over it. SINPO 43433.
6210: Radio Borderhunter playing ZZ Top @ 1115, asking about propagation. Fair signal here - S7-8. SINPO 34333.
6215: Radio King Shortwave (tent) @ 0845 with oldies, utility QRM. SINPO 23432.
6220: Mystery Radio with a live programe presented by Chris Ise @ 0925, playing pop. SINPO 34333.
6265: Premier Radio Int @ 0820 playing "Some Like It Hot." Weak signal, but improved later. SINPO 24432.
6268: Radio Zodiac heard @ 1010 playing Razorlight "In The Morning." Good signal here. SINPO 44433.
6270: Radio Calypso heard playing dance music and schlager @ 1050. Good signal. Some QRM from Zodiac. SINPO 43443.
6275: Radio Calypso moved from 6270 - heard @ 1130 giving out hotline number and email address and playing schlager. Still good signal. SINPO 4444

6290: Radio Quintus heard playing Dutch music @ 0930, with ID at 0940 in Dutch and English. SINPO 34333.
6295: Grensstad Radio (tent) with instrumental music @ 1135. Poor-fair signal with fading so difficult to pick out clear ID. SINPO 24332.
6300: Radio Paardenkracht with instrumental music @ 1255. SINPO 34433.
6301: Radio Sallandse Boer heard briefly @ 0850 playing "What's Going On," followed by ID in Dutch. Slight whistle caused by another station. SINPO 33433.
6305: Unid station with non-stop 70s music. Heard @ 1835 with the Eagles "Hotel California." Good signal. SINPO 44433. Rick's blog had Radio Northpole (I couldn't wait for the ID).
6312: Radio Barretina with talk in Catalan and pop music. SINPO 34333.
6322: Radio Pionier with schlager @ 1325. Usual dodgy modulation. SINPO 34333.
6325: Radio Lowland with a report to Pionier @ 1335. SINPO 34333.
6336: Radio Zodiac heard here @1035 with rock music. Also on 6268 so possibly harmonic from main transmitter. SINPO 23432.
6524: Radio Ramona heard @ 1015 playing Roxy Music "More than This." Fair signal but fading. SINPO 34433.
6882: Radio Playback Int with a live programe @ 0900, playing "Dance Hall Days." Fair signal with good peaks. SINPO 34333.
6925u: Spider Radio @ 1750 playing the song "Lady Marmalade." SINPO 24332.
9290: Q103 via Latvia with German pop songs. Heard @ 1310. SINPO 45444.
(updated 18:50UTC)
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Sat Apr 12
3935: Laser Hot Hits with the Anoraks Hour playing offshore recordings of Radio London in 1967 @ 1725. SINPO 34433.
6270: Radio Altrex playing pop music @ 0845 followed by ID and greeting listeners. Fair signal here - about S7-8. SINPO 34333.
6310: Radio Malaisy with a strong signal @ 1715, playing dance music followed by jingle. SINPO 44444.
6311: Radio Barretina with pops and phone calls in Catalan @ 1550. SINPO 24332.
6851: MAC Radio (USA) heard @ 2310 with ID and country rock. Weak signal but audible. SINPO 24332. To hear recording click here
6882: Radio Playback Int heard @ 1710 playing song by Ultravox. Fair-good signal. SINPO 44333.
6925u: WNKR (via American relay?) heard @ 2335 with hotline, ID and jingle. Sounded like Dave Martin. Weak signal. SINPO 24332. To hear recording click here
(updated 23:40UTC)
Friday, April 11, 2008
Fri Apr 11
3935: Radio Rainbow playing Elvis Presley "In the Ghetto" @ 1805. Signal certainly seems to have improved recently. SINPO 34333.
6882: Radio Playback Int heard @ 1800 with clock chimes and jingles and into rock and pop. Live programme tonight. Good signal. SINPO 44333.
(updated 21:45UTC)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Wed Apr 9
6307: Radio Royal (tent) heard @ 1807 with schlager. Lost under the other station on 6309. Sudden off at 1813. SINPO 32432.
6309: Unid station playing schlager @ 1800. Off with no ID. Whistle from station on 6307. Stronger of the two with SINPO 43443.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Tues Apr 8
6307: Radio Royal heard @ 1825 with polka and schlager, ID followed at 1835. SINPO 34333.
6309: Unid station playing rock music @ 1800, followed by "hello, testing..." and off. SINPO 34333.
6882: Pirate Music with pop @ 1810. SINPO 33333.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Mon Apr 7

6305: No-Name station (although I recognise the voice!) with non-stop schlager heard @ 1510. Modulation sounded a bit rough. Off at 1615. SINPO 34333. To hear recording click here
6882: Pirate Music with jingles and dance music @ 1630. Good signal but some fading. SINPO 44433.
North American logs
6850 MAC (t). 0059-0137* 6 Apr. EG. Anncr with ments of Paul Starr. Very poor vox. Mx by the Beatles, Blue Oyster Cult, Black Sabbath, Boston, and many others. Very nice selection of mx. Gave email add as, but I never heard a clear ID. This may have been a relay. Off at 0137 with NA. Lots of QRN. Mx was much better than vox. S5/F-P.
6925u UNID. 2200-2228* 4 Apr. English. OM announcer that sounded quite a bit like Walter Breenan. Repeated mentions of the phrase "How about some real pirate radio. Who wants to wants to hear pirate radio?" Mx included: "Be Sure," "Young Love," Because of You," "Wandering Gypsy," and several more. Announcer kept yelling "Hey" in between several spots of dead air. Very poor vox and generally a poor reception. No ID heard.
6925 WHYP. 2315-2341*. 4 Apr. English. The first log of Mr. Brownyard’s station since Halloween, 2005. James Brownyard and Uncle Schleckstien with IDs and a promise to return to the air soon. Mx by Styx and an instrumental blues tune. Nice to hear this station again. Fair.
6925u Sycko Radio. 0226-0231. 6 Apr. EG. ID as "Sycko Radio, 69-25." Ments of Uncle Bob and talk with YL. Ments of several noted pirate DXers. S7/F-G. 6925 Unid. 0252*. 6 Apr. EG. Just heard the last minute or so of the show. Playing "Ain’t no Bugs on Me," and off w/o s/off ancmts. Fair.
6925u Uncle Bob Radio. 0138-0220*. 6 Apr. EG. Uncle Bob playing ragtime and very old pop mx. Ments of having to take his medication. ID as "This is Uncle Bob at the microphone," and off. S5/Poor.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Sun Apr 6
3935: Laser Hot Hits with 60s music and jingle @ 1910. SINPO 34333.
5815: Orion Radio with instrumental music @ 0805. Poor signal today. SINPO 24432.
6140: MV Baltic Radio via Wertchatal playing "Caroline" by the Fortunes @ 1210 and giving out web address. SINPO 44444.
6261: Radio Perfekt playing country music @ 0850. Heard phone number in German but deep fades. Some utility QRM. SINPO 23332.
6270: Radio Calypso has the best signal so far this morning. Heard @ 0755 playing schlager. 44433.
6274: Radio Kilo Tango Lima heard @ 1120 giving out hotline number and p

6281: Radio Jodel Piraat with music from the Bavarian mountains @ 0815. Weak signal with fair peaks. SINPO 24332. For recording click here
6306: Radio Brandaris Int @ 1020 with instrumental music and IDs. Fair-good signal. SINPO 34433.
6309: Radio Marconi playing schlager @ 1025, IDs in Dutch. SINPO 33433.
6311: Radio Barrentina @ 0815 with talk by man in Catalan. SINPO 24332.
6925u: Spider Radio (tent) with music @ 1920. Weak signal but could just hear classical music on this frequency.
(updated 19:25UTC)
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Sat Apr 5
3935: Laser Hot Hits playing reggae music @ 1825. SINPO 34333.
6215: Radio King Shortwave (tent) heard @ 0930 playing oldies, with a weak signal, suffering from utility and other QRM. SINPO 23332.
6220: Mystery Radio with dance music @ 1855. Good signal. SINPO 44444. At 2005, live programme with Chris Ise. Still 44444.
6265: Radio Altrex heard @ 0850 with ID, greeting Iann in France and playing oldies. Weak signal with fair peaks. SINPO 24332.
6270: Radio Calypso @ 0810 with Dutch music. Good signal. SINPO 44433.
6275: Unid station @ 1415 with 80s pop and rock. Too weak to get ID - possibly Laser. SINPO 24332.
6307: Radio Royal playing Dutch ballads @ 1820, greeting Foton. Good signal but some splash from station on 6310. SINPO 43443.
6310: Radio Marconi @ 1835 playing schlager, whistle on signal, ID at 1900. SINPO 43433. For recording click here
6311: Radio Lowland heard @ 1400 with ID, playing song "Big in Japan." Slight whistle - possibly from Barrentina, who I can't hear at the moment. SINPO 33333.
6311: Radio Barrentina @ 1600 with talk by man in Catalan. Fair peaks. SINPO 24332.
6325: Radio Waves Int (tent) with American country music show @ 1830. Signal only just audible. SINPO 23432.
6882: Radio Playback Int @ 1605 with jazz music, strong SSB QRM on 6880. SINPO 33333.
9290: Radio Joystick via Latvia @ 0900 signing on and playing dance music. SINPO 55544.
(updated 20:10UTC)
Friday, April 04, 2008
Fri Apr 4
6265: Premier Radio Int from Ireland with a live programme. Heard at 2020 playing "Motorbiking" from the 70s. Good signal here - S9. SINPO 44433.
6307: Radio Royal with a good signal @ 1825, playing dance music, before signing off a few minutes later. Slight whistle caused by weak station on 6305. SINPO 44444.
6310: Radio Fox 48 heard @ 1840 with blues music and jingle IDs. SINPO 33333.
(updated 20:20UTC)
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Thurs Apr 3
6882: Pirate Music playing "When the Going Gets Tough" @ 2040. Also has some new jingles. Good signal with some fading. SINPO 44433.
Radiofax: 20th anniversary

Listen again to the first four test transmission broadcasts from the 1st to 4th of April (Easter weekend) 1988: or Podcast feed
More about the station and its campaign to get a UK shortwave licence:
(info via Mike Barraclough, anoraksuk)
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Wed Apr 2
6882: Radio Playback Int playing dance music with jingles @ 1815. SINPO 34333.