Shortwave Euro-pirates heard in 2024

Radio AC DC

Radio Action

Radio Activity

Radio Akenzo/Contikenzo

Radio Alice

Radio Altrex

Radio Argus

Radio Ascona

Radio Avia

Radio Baken 16/Polaris Radio

Radio Batavia

Radio Benelux

Radio Blackbird

Radio Black Crow

Radio Black Power

Radio Blackstone/Zeewolf

Radio Blauwe Panter

Blue Dragon Radio

Blue Moon Radio

Radio Boomerang

Radio Bretania

Central Radio Int

Charleston Radio Int (raided in feb)

Continental Radio/Contikenzo

Radio Cuckoo

Cupid Radio

Radio De Kat

Delta Radio (W Brabant)


Radio Dolfijn

Enterprise Radio/Radio Voyager

Radio Europe (It)

Radio Europe (Ukr)

Radio 42

Flashback Music Radio

Flux AM

Radio Frieloo

FRS Holland

Radio Galaxy (Fin)

Radio Grenswinkel

Great 208

Gringo Radio

Radio Groentboertje

Radio Harmony 

Hot Radio

Radio Igloo

Image Radio UK

Indy Radio

Radio Intersound

Radio Joey

Radio Johnny Tobacco/Abu Dhabi/Triple L

Radio JVG

Key Channel Radio

Radio Kiloherz

Radio King Shortwave

Kiss AM

Kobus Radio

Laser Hot Hits

Radio Lighthouse

Radio Lowland/SWCH

Magic AM

Radio Markies

Melkbus Radio

Merseyland Alternative Radio

Radio Mexico

Radio Mi Amigo (NL)

Mike Radio

Misti Radio

Radio Monique

Monte Carlo Radio

Radio Mordor

Radio Moonair

Music Wave Radio

Mustang Radio

Radio Mystery Theatre

Radio Mystery 21

New Dance Radio

NMD Radio

Radio Nova (UK)

Radio 101

Radio 102

Radio Omega

Radio Palmpol

Radio Pamela/Star Radio

Panda Radio

Radio Pandora

Radio Parade Int

Radio Pioneer

Radio Pirana

Polka Radio

Radio Powerliner Int

Premier Radio Int

Radio Ringo Ropo (Spaceshuttle)

Radio Rob

Radio Rock Revolution

Radio Ronalisa/Ronnie AM

Radio Scotland Int

Shortwave Jukebox

Skull & Bones Radio System

Skylab Radio

Solar Radio (NL)

Radio Sombrero

Soul of England/Radio Jennifer

Station 807

Summer Meeting Radio

Sunrise Radio

Swinging Radio England

Radio 319

Radio Taxus

Radio Technical Man

The Dance Network

Radio Thunderbird

Radio Tidalwave

Time Radio

Radio Tomato

Radio Tracid

Radio Uferlos

Radio Universe

Valley Wave Radio

Voice of the Netherlands

Xenon Transmitting Company (XTC)

Weekend Music Radio

Radio West Finland

Radio Wilskracht

Radio Witte Reus



Zenith Classic Rock

Zeppelin Radio 

Radio Zomerzon

Radio Zwarte Panter


1990's Free Radio Listener said...

Were there really 19 UK-based stations heard during 2024? From my cursory checks of loggings, it certainly didn't come across as anything like that!

uk dxer said...

Here's the list: Argus, Central R Int, Image, Laser Hot Hits, Merseyland Alternative R, Radio Nova, Pamela, Pandora, Parade, Rock Revolution, Shortwave Jukebox, Soul of England/Jennifer, Station 807, Swinging R England, Tomato, Valley Wave, XTC, Weekend Music Radio, WNKR (19). Not all were regulars on the air during 2024

1990's Free Radio Listener said...

Fair enough, Paul. I'm not familiar with several of those - Tomato? I didn't know WNKR had re-emerged. Some long-standing operators in that list; hopefully a few others will return. It would be interesting to tally how many broadcasts the aforementioned actually made.