3945: Bogusman playing a Kim Wilde song @ 1835. Good signal. SINPO 44433.
5805: Radio Telstar South putting in a good signal @ 1845, playing the Love Affair. SINPO 44433.
5810: Radio Merlin moved to escape the crowded 48mb @ 0940. Signal faded a bit - SINPO 24332. Also on 6215 @ 1010 with big band music. SINPO 44433.
5815: Orion Radio greeting listeners, talk about weather and playing a Dutch song @ 0810. SINPO 44433.
5820: Radio Baken 16 playing the Thompson Twins @ 0950. SINPO 34333.
6205: Radio Borderhunter with Gun N Roses' version of "Sweet Home Alabama" @ 0825. SINPO 44444.
6212: Radio Scotland Int playing The Cure @ 0750, talking about closing down to fix transmitter. SINPO 44444. Back again, on 6220 @ 0900 with stronger signal - 54444. Then at 1025 on 6206 - 54444.
6220: Mystery Radio playing Kate Bush with "Baboushka" @ 2140 followed by jingle. Signal beginning to fade. SINPO 34333.
6240: Radio Altrex with rock & blues music, greetings to listeners @ 1005. SINPO 34333.
6265: Unid station with non-stop Beatles songs @ 0815. SINPO 34333.
6280: Rekro Radio playing Black Sabbath @ 0820, IDs between records, but still no contact address. SINPO 34333.
6285: Radio Trans Europe playing Blondie "Atomic" @ 0925. Some splash from 6295. SINPO 33433.
6295: Radio Shadowman with Men at Work "Down Under" @ 0915. Rumoured to be using 2kW. SINPO 54444.
6300: Radio Brandaris with "Good Morning Miss Molly" @ 0930. Good signal. SINPO 43433.
6305: Radio Merlin with "Sugar Sugar" @ 0855. Good signal but some fading. SINPO 44433.
6310: Antonio Radio giving out contact details @ 0840, playing Dutch music. SINPO 34333.
6310: Grensstad Radio clashing with Antonio @ 0955. SINPO 32432.
6310: Radio Grote Versierder in QSO with Grensstad and Antonio @ 1040. SINPO 34333.
6325: Voice of the Netherlands with dance music @ 1020. Strong signal. SINPO 54444.
6329: Sonic Radio with oldies @ 0920, weak-fair signal. SINPO 24332.
6375: Radio Brigitte with Dutch pop @ 0755. Fair signal. SINPO 34333.
6526: Radio Ramona with techno music @ 1145. Weak-fair signal. SINPO 24332.
6870: Radio Playback Int with the song "Don't Dream It's Over" @ 0800. SINPO 34333.
7590: Radio Geronimo Shortwave suddenly faded in @ 1031, with Dave Scott giving a good plug for this site ... thanks, followed by station contact details and song by The Feeling. Good signal but a fair bit of quick fading. SINPO 44433.
7600: FRS Holland signing on @ 0805. Strong signal but did fade out later. SINPO 55444. To hear recording click here
7685: FRS Holland signing off @ 1000 - was running in parallel with 7600. Stronger on 7685 at this time - SINPO 44433.
1 comment:
Thanks for the logging Paul. More plugs for this site coming up on the next progs which were recorded today. Dave Scott
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