3905: Skyline International Radio playing the Carpenters "Jambalaya" @ 1855. Strong signal. SINPO 54444.
3932: MRF Radio with email address, playing oldies @ 1900, some CW QRM. SINPO 33333.
4025: Laser Hot Hits with Rah Band "Clouds Across the Moon" @ 1130. Good signal but lot of fading. Best via Barney's web receiver due to high noise level at my QTH. SINPO 44433.
5820: Orion Radio greeting Radio Tina @ 0815, signing off with "power off, let's go" jingle. Good signal. SINPO 44433.
5835: Radio Thunderbird playing "Love Hurts" @ 0810, talk in German. SINPO 34333.
6175: Radio Suzuki with the Beatles "Hey Jude" @ 0850. SINPO 34333.
6203: Radio Scotland Int playing "Magic Fly" @ 0845. Strong signal. SINPO 54444.
6205: Radio Borderhunter playing Abba megamix @ 1000, ID at 1015, talking need to do work in garden. Good signal but fading. SINPO 44433.
6210: Misti Radio heard with ID @ 0915, then oldies. Weak signal. SINPO 24332.
6220: Mystery Radio playing "Horse With No Name" @ 0820. Fair reception. SINPO 34333.
6240: Free Radio Victoria with ELO "Telephone Line" @ 0900. Good signal but slight whistle from weaker station, also fading. SINPO 44433.
6283: Radio Shadow playing "Why Does Your Love" @ 0755, then ID jingle. SINPO 34333.
6295: Radio Devalon playing rock n roll and reading listeners' reception reports @ 0855. Good signal but a bit of fading. SINPO 44433.
6300: Radio Contact playing the Can Can @ 0955, audio very distorted and difficult to hear. SINPO 34332.
6301: Radio Northcoast with "Born to be Alive" @ 1145, tuning noise as if someone trying to jam signal. SINPO 33333.
6305: Radio Merlin with Peter Frampton "Show Me the Way" @ 1830, greeting listeners. Strong signal. SINPO 54444.
6315: Trans Europe Radio with Pat Benator's "Love is a Battlefield," testing different transmitters. SINPO 34333.
6325: Radio Mustang with oldies, sudden off @ 1902. Good signal. SINPO 44433.
6376: Sonic Radio playing dance music @ 0805, utility QRM. SINPO 33333. Also heard on 6325 @ 0920 playing country music - SINPO 34333.
6400: Radio Star Int signing on with Roger Dale giving station contact details @ 0800, then playing Fairport Convention. Strong signal. SINPO 54444.
6450: Radio Marconi playing Abba "Waterloo" @ 1010. ID finally at 1035. SINPO 54444.
6525: Radio Northcoast with oldies @ 1045, weak signal. SINPO 24332.

6530: Marine Broadcaster with a RNI programme @ 1835, weak signal but could hear programme through noise. SINPO 24332.
6851: MAC Shortwave heard @ 2245 with instrumental music, off a few minutes later with anthem. SINPO 24332.
6925usb: Spider Radio with oldies @ 1920, not as strong as last night. SINPO 24332. Back on later - heard @ 2255 playing "I'm So Excited." SINPO 34333.
You may like to remove the "Shortwavedxer-germany" and "Shortwave-Germanydxer (new site)" entries from the blog list. Obviously both blogs have been deleted.
Oh yes ... deleted.
The Britain Radio Int link is dead.
Hobart Radio Int were only a relay (i.e. made programs under HRI name) "station" and never had a transmitter
BRI is going to put a new website down but I've been seeing that "coming soon" sign for half a year now. The URL is
I've not heard BRI on the air recently either. They were regularly relayed by Laser. I think this year is their 30th anniversary.
Anyone with long memories might also remember Radio Impact from the 80s. There is now a Radio Impact Facebook page.
Roger Davis is scheduled for a Monday-Friday 4-hour shift in the afternoon on Big L (1395 kHz). That would explain why there is little BRI at the moment. However, tuning into the Big L webstream there is just nonstop music. Most of the streams listed on the website are offline.
That might be a different Roger Davis ... I think there's 2 of them
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