A couple of us radio guys were just discussing Tom and we had a thought.
Sometimes people’s families do not always realise exact why they put so much effort into this crazy radio life! In Tom’s case he (and EMR) were heard all over the world, but not necessarily by people close to him as he was on Short Wave and not FM.
Sometimes that leads to a situation where the family might just feel that someone’s efforts were not that well supported.
But, we all know better when it comes to Tom. He was a Pirate Radio Legend, both as someone who was the man who held together probably the best European Short Wave pirate station we have ever heard. On top of that, he was just a genuine nice guy who would (and did) do anything he could to help other radio people out with advice and direct technical help when things went wrong.
So, if you ever listened to European Music Radio or knew Barry, can I ask you a big favour?
Can you just take a few minutes to remember him by sending a Condolence or Sympathy Card to the Crematorium where Barry’s service will be held? These will then be forwarded on to his family.
The address to use is:-
Tom Taylor Service
12.15 Monday - 12th February 2018
West Wiltshire Crematorium,
Devizes Road,
BA14 6HL
Please address the card EXACTLY like that to ensure delivery.
The vast majority of Tom’s friends lived in the London area and with Trowbridge being a very long distance away, very many may not be able to attend. So, the cards will have an even more important place in the remembrance of Tom."
(Mark Stafford, We Love the Pirate Stations Facebook group)
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