Friday, January 24, 2025

Logs 24 Jan 2025

1611 1638 Radio Philadelphia. SINPO 23432.
1620 1645 Radio Al Capone. SINPO 34333.
1640 1855 Radio Nachtrijder. SINPO 34433.
1645 1745 Radio Las Vegas. SINPO 44433.
1650 1725 Radio Romax. SINPO 44433.
3920 1737 Radio WDR via Polder FM. SINPO 55544. 
4950 1650 Radio Moonair. SINPO 34433.
5833 1630 Radio Mystery. SINPO 44433. Off 1631
5885 1622 Radio WDR via Polder FM. SINPO 4433. 
6285 1615 Radio Monique. SINPO 54444.


Anonymous said...

presume is incorrect!

uk dxer said...

Okay - not Mike. Any idea who or is it a secret?

Anonymous said...

simple: they use own TX

Anonymous said...

Radio north 846mw back this morning radio star country 981mw also back after a serious wind in Donegal etc Donegal dixer still about earwigging

Anonymous said...

What happened to the 23rd Jan?

Anonymous said...

There wasn't one this year. Didn't you know?

uk dxer said...

Radio WDR tells me relay is via Polder FM

Anonymous said...

Appears make a coment on radios stations iddiots out critiseing me when i just know is much amount radio about radio as i a disc jockey my can.present a boss says what is the issue you lot or fair is fair which either like or not dxier eire

Anonymous said...

As long as you're happy.