3904: Bogusman talking about the Iraq war @ 1940 and playing the Psychedelic Furs. Good signal but a bit of splash from WMR. SINPO 44444.
3910: Weekend Music Radio heard in parallel with 6400. Talking about offshore radio recordings @ 1710. Signal fair as still quite early in the evening. SINPO 34333.
3927: Radio Kentucky with schlager @ 2120 but suffering splash from Delta Radio. SINPO 33433.
3935: Delta Radio with a strong signal @ 2115 playing dance music, peaking @ s9+20db. Gave mailing address as PO Box 65, 7260AB Ruurlo, Netherlands. SINPO 44444.
3940: Radio Underground back on the air after a long break. Heard @ 1745 with music and free radio news and recordings. Operator Steve Underground gave out the phone number and email but said the station does not issue QSL cards. Fair signal. Email address radiounderground @ go.com SINPO 34333. Good to hear him back.
6255: KBC v Lithuania with its weekly Saturday night show. Heard signing on @ 2200. As usual, very strong here. SINPO 55555.
6270: Orion Radio heard @ 0820 playing some Dutch music, fair signal with some good peaks, but SSB QRM. SINPO 33433.
6275: Radio Atlantis Int with schlager @ 1930 and the Summer Meeting promo. Good signal. SINPO 44444.
6276: Laser Hot Hits with one of its sponsored shows @ 1015. Fair bit of fading on signal. SINPO 34433.
6290: Radio Atlantis Int playing a long version of "Heard it through the Grapevine" @ 2135, occasional utility QRM (as always on this frequency). SINPO 44444.
6295: Radio Condor playing dance music @ 2145 but a bit squeezed by Atlantis on 6290 and the Saharan station on 6300. SINPO 33433.
6306: Brandaris Radio greeting Marco and playing schlager @ 1635. SINPO 44433.
6310: Radio Marconi heard @ 1450 playing schlager, announced was signing off. SINPO 33333.
6310: Cupid Radio with a short test @ 1720, mentioning will be back @ 2200 with a test to Japan. Also heard on 6277 @ 1740 greeting listeners. SINPO on both frequencies 44444.
6311: Unid station playing schlager @ 1255. Strong utility QRM making it difficult to ID. SINPO 32432.

6322: Radio Zodiac Int playing Pink Floyd's "Money" @ 2125. Good signal. SINPO 44444.
6325: Antonio Radio playing instrumental music, ID in Dutch @ 1100. SINPO 34433.
6325: Radio Kentucky playing schlager @ 1730. Audio a lot better and clearer. SINPO 44444.
6400: Weekend Music Radio @ 1710 mentioning the website www.offshoreradio.org where you can download offshore radio recordings. Very strong signal. SINPO 54444.
(updated 22:05UTC)
More audio: The latest recordings are of Radio Quintus Friday morning on 6325, and Radio Alice and Marconi in a QSO yesterday night. Also added from Saturday night are Radio Underground, Bogusman and Delta Radio. They can accessed via http://www.esnips.com/web/ukdxersBusinessFiles
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