Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Logs 3 Sept 2024

1494 2252 Coast FM via relay. SINPO 34433.
1620 2056 Radio Marjanne. SINPO 44433.
1638 2045 Radio DB. SINPO 54444.
1648 2050 Radio Perenboom. SINPO 33433.
5035 2041 Deltracks. SINPO 34333.
5880 2035 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44333.
6275 1755 Mike Radio. SINPO 54444.


Anonymous said...

Fair siginal hear on 1594 coast fm in Donegal bit of noise on that band during the day radiostarcountry981good

cb radio power is down a bit from 2200hrs to 10am

Anonymous said...

Donegal.dx correction not cb .radio star power down a bit was told.on Sunday nite on 11mt band cb of course no harm long live medium wave band