Sunday, February 02, 2025

Logs 2 Feb 2025

1476 2155 Radio Blackbeard. SINPO 33433.
1629 2125 Radio Blauwe Fazant. SINPO 44433.
1640 2135 Radio Witte Tornado en Lady. SINPO 44433.
1656 2142 Radio Tarzan. SINPO 54444. Change of freq
1662 2114 Radio Tarzan. SINPO 54444.
1670 2107 Radio Technical Man. SINPO 54444.
4845 2058 Radio Contikenzo. SINPO 54444. //5800
5740 0948 Polka Radio. SINPO 23432.
5800 0955 Radio Contikenzo. SINPO 54444.
6020 0940 Radio Casanova. SINPO 55444.
6205 1120 Superclan Radio. SINPO 23432.
6220 0935 Voice of Freedom (pres). SINPO 34433. Political talk & music
6227v 1110 Radio Zwarte Panter. SINPO 34433. Poor audio
6260 1048 Radio Markies. SINPO 34433.
6260 1251 Radio Parade Int. SINPO 34433.
6260 1433 Radio Rob. SINPO 34433.
6275 1525 Mike Radio. SINPO 54444.
6280 1215 XTC. SINPO 55444.
6285 1508 Radio Monique. SINPO 54444.
6300 1037 Radio Weg Piraat. SINPO 44433.
6305 1642 Radio Parade Int. SINPO 44433.
6390 1012 Radio Baken 16. SINPO 44433. 
6390 1301 Radio Lowland. SINPO 34433.
6392 1650 Voice of the Netherlands. SINPO 54444. QSO
6930 1515 Radio Parade Int. SINPO 34433.
7484.5 0930 Radio Benelux. SINPO 24432.
7600 1027 Radio Pamela. SINPO 34433.
9540 1020 Radio JVG. SINPO 24432.
9800 1055 Radio Delta. SINPO 44433.


1990's Free Radio Listener said...

Good to see UK stations out in relative force. I presume Voice of Freedom is UK-based?

uk dxer said...

Yes. Good to hear XTC back on air, Parade was also on today - logged him on three different frequencies.

Anonymous said...

7484 was Radio Benelux from Germany

uk dxer said...

Yes, it's in my logs!

Anonymous said...

Ireland I would say.

Anonymous said...

The transmitter might in Ireland but operator Uk-based

Anonymous said...

UK based and plays “Hot Hits”!🤔