3905: Radio Underground with Summer Meeting promo and playing Dutch music @ 2105. SINPO 34333.
3910: Radio Festivum with operatic music @ 2230. Good signal. SINPO 44433.
3932: Radio Music Maker playing BZN @ 2040. Fair-good signal. SINPO 34333.
4015: Laser Hot Hits heard @ 0855, high noise level here but fair signal. SINPO 34232.
6210: Radio PTS via Mustang with Dutch songs @ 0840. Fair signal. SINPO 34333.
6210: Radio Borderhunter playing "One Way Ticket" @ 1840 after moving from 6240. ID at 1847. Strong signal. SINPO 54444.
6220: Mystery Radio with ID jingle and into an Italian language DX programme @ 1730. SINPO 34433.
6220: Level 48 via Mystery with Chris Ise @ 2030 announcing both 6220 & 6325, but not in parallel, and playing Tina Turner. Splash from RTE. SINPO 43443.
6289: Radio Rainbow with Queen "Killer Queen" followed by IDs and greetings to listeners @ 1615. SINPO 34333.
6290: Radio Altrex playing Dusty Springfield @ 2155 followed by IDs and greetings. SINPO 34333.
6305: Trans Europe Radio playing Status Quo @ 2207, then giving IDs and email address. Fair-good signal. SINPO 44433.
6307: Radio Skywire with "Knocking on Heaven's Door" @ 1555, ID a few minutes later and off at 1605. Reports of Radio Galaxy from UK on 6306 but no signal here. SINPO 34333.
6310: Radio Northcoast (tent) with non-stop rock. Heard @ 2020 playing "Running With the Devil." SINPO 34333.
6324: Level 48 heard signing on @ 1720, giving out email and snail mail address, playing Human League "Open your Heart." Good signal but some co-channel QRM from a number station. SINPO 43443. (see comments) At 2005, on via Spaceman with Major Tom. Very strong. SINPO 54444.
6330: Radio Music Maker with oldies @ 1505. Fair signal but some fading. SINPO 34333.
6400: Radio Underground playing "Car 57" @ 2010, talking about new QSL and giving out new mobile number. Good signal. SINPO 44433.
6450: Radio Marconi with Dutch music @ 1625. Good signal. SINPO 44433.
6530: Radio Marine Broadcaster playing Human League "Don't You Want Me" @ 2202, giving IDs. SINPO 34433.
Good music and entertainment, brought to you by real free radio enthusiasts from all over
Europe on shortwave, that's LEVEL 48 !
Special QSL-cards, and a special website, that's LEVEL 48 !
Old friends returning on air, fighting for free radio, that's LEVEL 48 !
Keep watching the shortwave-dial, for the real free radio spirit : LEVEL 48 !
It has been a long time.....but this time....its for real......for old times sake..... LEVEL
48.....because "we love the pirate-radio !"
More announcements will be coming to you shortly.
Kind regards,
The LEVEL 48 Crew !
Radio Musicmaker on 3932 started off as Saturnus, then he handed the mike over to Musicmaker.
So it was ajoint broadcast of Saturnus and Musicmaker.
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