He writes: "JonM and I heard a station last night (May 18) which IDed as "pirate radio station Radio Malta, in the middle of the Meditteranean, where all the best ...". It was on 6933 kHz am, and was heard from 2327-0044 c/d. Lots of oldies (a listener in New Hampshire recognized some Dione Warwick), and what sounded like pre-recorded IDs. Signal strength and fading patterns were consistant with the signal originating in Europe.
I have uploaded the file with the best ID to http://www.mediafire.com/?g8layz216i9lj7s. (The ID is at 11:56 on the file.) To me, the announcer seems to have a British accent (I would welcome a second opinion on that
), so I was thinking it might be someone from the UK, perhaps on holiday or working there."
Anyone with any ideas can leave comments or email me at ukdxer (@) yahoo.co.uk.
Glad to have been tipped off to that last night. It is good hearing something different.
I heard this signal via a remote rx, and it was far more powerful than it was here in Scotland.
I am sure I know that voice.....
Jack, WMR
hello i am french shortwave listerner in south part of france i have heard the 17/05/2011 at 20:49 utc this radio, i have not mp3 files good signal 43333
I've just listened to the recording too. Its a South East (maybe London area) English voice. Probably more likely to be coming from the UK than Malta as there are very few trees and little woodland on Malta which would make it difficult to put up an antenna maybe? I dont recognise the voice but I'm guessing a UK SW pirate from recent years?
Dave Scott - Geronimo SW/FRSH
They have bound to have houses with roofs to attach a wire to, or yards they can stick a small mast.. Don't think it's all grass huts...lol
I suspect it is from Southern Europe for sure, judging by signals on remote receivers compared to the UK...
Good to have something a bit different....
I hope these are only tests, and programming will start. Hopefully not another non stop music thing....
wonder what "all the pirates in the med are" ..quote - unquote..
Tonight, at 23:45 UTC I'd received Malta in Ukraine. Satisfactory signal but a half-hour later it had almost dissapeared. I have mp3 with IDs.
I have heard Malta the past 4 nights here. Last night I had an opportunity to compare the signals of Malta and Irish Music Radio on 6930. Props were very different ... as one station would fade in, the other would fade out ... back and forth. Assuming IMR is from the Britch Isles, I am pretty sure that Malta is not.
Last night, Malta moved from 6933 t0 6937 (i assume to move away from IMR). At 0031 I heard several musical pieces that were very Arab in sound, but with more rythm than most Arab music (quite nice actually). Perhaps Maltese? I have posted an audio file at http://www.mediafire.com/?x8crfoo8qbtqo9x
Cheers, Terry
Has Pirate Radio Malta been heard at the same time as Cactus Jack Radio?
I am sure you will get why I ask the question!
i think it's Ken up there in those woods with his 807 glowing away like a good un!!
It nay well have been a South East (England) voice in Malta. Plenty of UK expats there and, by the way, plenty of highrise building etc on which to put up an antenna. Ever been there?
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