4025: Laser Hot Hits with Lee Richards playing a Foreigner track @ 1000. SINPO 44433.
6216: Radio King Shortwave playing oldies @ 1025. Poor signal. SINPO 24332.
6265: Radio Altrex heard @ 0840 playing "Spirit in the Sky." Fair-good signal here. SINPO 34433.
6275: Laser Hot Hits @ 0905 with the final Colin Dixon show. SINPO 34333.
6305: Orion Radio with schlager, pop and rock. Good, clear signal this afternoon, peaking at S9+10dB. Heard @ 1510 with SINPO 44444.
6305: Radio Oscar Zulu playing Stray Cats @ 1925. Whistle from co-channel QRM and some splash from the Sahara station on 6300. SINPO 33333.
6308: Radio Cochiguaz heard @ 0855 with Andean pan pipes music and "Radio Cochiguaz" ID. Weak signal. SINPO 23332.
6311: Radio Barrentina @ 1730 with relay of Radio L'Arboc playing rock and dance music. Poor-fair signal - about S6-7. SINPO 24332. Same programme on Radio L'Arboc's internet stream (http://www.radiobaixpenedes.cat/)
6400: Weekend Music Radio heard @ 1905 with Jack talking about Irish radio. Fair signal. SINPO 34333.
6882: Playback Radio heard @ 1015 with rock and pop, ID. Weak signal. SINPO 24332. Update: Better signal this afternoon. Heard @ 1615 playing 80s music. SINPO 34333. I wonder if this station has any connection with Pirate Music - or is it a coincidence that it has settled on 6882? To hear recording click here
6925u: Spider Radio heard @ 1605 playing "Lady Marmalade." Weak but clear signal. SINPO 23432.
(updated 19:30UTC)
Do i hear LHH on 3935 Khz?
Laser & Rainbow seems to be using this freq but very poor signal here compared with stronger 4025
Good question about connections betwwen R.Playback and PirateMusic. During R.Playback programme hosts and guests use sometimes Italian language. Also PM was connected somehow with Italy (eg. by relaying Italian station). So maybe indeed Playback and PM are the same station or closely connected???
Playback/Pirate Music: I doubt they use same transmitter. Have not heard Playback yet at home and Pirate Music was quite strong usually. Do not think propagation changed so dramatically.
Playback is relayed by Pirate Music. Heard them with a "thanks for relaying us" addressed to Pirate Music on thursday evening at 19.52 in their first live-programme (19-20 UTC). They have come in here with excellent signals every evening since wednesday. Have heard them all day long today sunday. Nice relay of KLIF Dallas on 1190 kHz at 15.00...
Jan, west coast of mid Finland
Signal about the same level here as Pirate Music so that figures.
There are some interesting stations around at the moment from outside the usual countries eg, Barratina from Spain, Spider from Greece and Playback from Italy?
Indeed so! And they are all very DX-friendly too. Barretina, Spider and Playback have all "QSlled" to me after newyear aswell as Latino on 7610 in december. Let´t hope this Queen continues this new Maditerranean trend...
This Cochiguaz could also be a very interesting thing if they get fixed the 25 mb transmitter in South America. On 6308,8 they come in with really strong signals here in Finland, so my wild guess is that they are relayed by someone here in the north ??
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