3935: Radio Rainbow mentioning its website, playing oldies. Fair signal. SINPO 34333.
4025: Laser Hot Hits with oldies @ 0850. SINPO 34333.
5800: Radio Geronimo heard @ 1120 with Dave Scott playing some of his old Radio Apollo jingles from the 1980s, giving out contact details and greeting listeners. Fair-good signal. SINPO 34433.
5815: Orion Radio playing rock music @ 0855. Fair-good signal. SINPO 34433. Later moved to 5825 and then 5805 to avoid QRM.
5815: Radio Spaceshuttle (via World Music Radio?) playing Finnish pop @ 1005 with jingles. Off at 1400. SINPO 44444. Programme repeated again from 2000. Heard @ 2150 with deep fades. SINPO 44433.
5825: Delta Radio heard @ 1305 playing a song by Ultravox and giving email address: deltapirat @ hotmail.com Some ute QRM. SINPO 33333.
6140: European Music Radio via Wertchatal signing on @ 1300 with Tom Taylor and playing Jennifer Lopez song. SINPO 55544.
6201: Radio Scotland Int playing Hawkwind "Silver Machine" @ 0925. SINPO 44444.
6205: Radio Borderhunter with his usual excellent signal. Heard @ 1035 playing "Funky Town." SINPO 44444.
6220: Mystery Radio with pop @ 1015. Local QRM. SINPO 33433.
6220: Radio RWE via Mystery Radio @ 2140 with ID followed by classical music and talk about early radio. Good signal but some fading. SINPO 44433. To hear recording click here
6240: Radio Altrex now on this frequency. Heard @ 1050 playing "Tie a Yellow Ribbon" followed by ID. SINPO 34433.
6255: Radio Altrex playing rock music @ 0910. SINPO 33433.
6258: Radio Waves Int with "Country Music USA" programme @ 0915. SINPO 23432.
6265: Antonio Radio with 60s music @ 0900, followed by ID giving out hotline number. SINPO 33433.
6272: Magic AM heard @ 1055 with ID and greeting Dr Tim. Back on air after several months absence. Some utility QRM but good signal. SINPO 43433.
6280: Radio Merlin Int playing 6os music and talking about its mailing address. Good signal now its faded in. SINPO 44433.
6290: Radio Mazda (tent) with 60s music @ 0920. Good signal. SINPO 44444.
6295: Grensstad Radio heard @ 1400 playing some instrumental music. SINPO 34433.
6300: Radio Paardenkracht with ID, email address and playing Boney M @ 0930. Came on top of another station. SINPO 43433.
6300: Unid station relaying Big L 1395 @ 1224 but QRM from Radio Royal. SINPO 32432.
6301: Radio Royal @ 1226 with ID, playing instrumental music. SINPO 33433. Heard @ 1253 on 6306 - clear frequency. SINPO 34433.
6308: Test Piraat with report for Sallandse Boer @ 1030. SINPO 44444.
6310: Radio Sallandse Boer with a Creedance Clearwater Revival song @ 1000, followed by ID. SINPO 43433.
6310: Radio Lowland heard with report for Sallanse Boer @ 1218. SINPO 44444.
6311: Radio Barrentina relaying Radio L'Arboc @ 1655, playing easy listening music. Fair signal but some local QRM. SINPO 33433.
6315: Radio Saturnus playing song by Heart, followed by ID. This frequency reasonably clear but 48m very busy today. SINPO 43443.
6325: Premier Radio Int playing the Communards @ 0935. SINPO 34433.
6421: Laser Hot Hits with a tribute programme to Colin Dixon @ 1235. Good signal at the moment. SINPO 44433.
6524: Radio Ramona playing "Spirit of Radio" @ 1020. Some SSB QRM. SINPO 33333.
6540: Radio Brigitte Int heard with IDs @ 1135, playing oldies. SINPO 34333.

6882: Playback Radio International with a live programme. Heard @ 1635 playing the Village People "In the Navy." SINPO 34433.
6925u: Spider Radio with the song "Safety Dance" @ 2255. Deep fades. SINPO 24332.
(updated 23:00UTC)
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Thanks for the log.
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